100 reads (Review of of Pallant 2001, SPSS Survival Manual)

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100 reads (Review of of Pallant 2001, SPSS Survival Manual)

John F Hall

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/John_F_Hall/achievement/5f1e6e9c142fe715b3100e61, but that's only the beginning: there are reviews of the later editions as well, plus reviews/comments on a range of SPSS Textbooks on  https://surveyresearch.weebly.com/textbooks-spss.html


John F Hall MA (Cantab) Dip Ed (Dunelm)

IBM-SPSS Academic Author 9900074


Email: [hidden email]

Website: Journeys in Survey Research

Course: Survey Analysis Workshop (SPSS)


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