3-D column chart

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3-D column chart

Bob Schacht-3
Microsoft Excel has a chart type called 3-D Column. I have an unusual joint
distribution of two likert scale variables that is tri-modal: biggest
values are on 3 of the corners (i.e., most extreme values), and everything
between those 3 modes is small potatoes. The Excel 3-D column chart shows
this better than any of the other chart types, but control over the marking
of values on the scale is poor.

I'm using SPSS ver. 12. Can it show 3-D column charts like this? So far, I
have not been able to find anything that looks like it.


Robert M. Schacht, Ph.D. <[hidden email]>
Pacific Basin Rehabilitation Research & Training Center
1268 Young Street, Suite #204
Research Center, University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI 96814