A pair of binary moderator in regression analysis.

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A pair of binary moderator in regression analysis.

Good Morning,

I want help to handle a pair of binary moderators.
I wanted to examine if participant’s sex or grandparent’s sex moderated the relationship between two grandparent contact measures: childhood and adolescence, and a caring scale.  Using Cohen et al (2010) and Jaccard et al (2003) I centered the two contact measures, dummy coded the two sex variables and created four interaction terms: AContact (A) + CContact (C) + Psex (P) + Gsex (G) + AP + CP + AG + CG.  The AP interaction was significant. When I was going compute the conditional effect of adolescence contact on caring for male and female participants I got stuck with the Grandparent’s sex variable. None of the books mentioned offered advice. Do I include it calculations? or just drop it, and compute the two simple slopes for participant’s sex.

Any suggestion or references will be greatly appreciated.

TIA, Steve (Pace University, NYC)