AMOS weighting questions

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AMOS weighting questions

chia-ling tien
I have a question about doing SEM with AMOS.  The data I have are from a national study and weighting is highly recommended to have the results generalized to the population.
I don't think that  SEM by AMOS can conduct weighting function.  Do any one know how to do weighting, maybe transfer the original data to weighted data before doing SEM in AMOS?  
 If weighting is not possible, are there any points to make whether weighting is not necessary in dealing with SEM? Or how to explain the reason that I can't do weighting in SEM analysis?
Is it  better to get another software to do this?
Any feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Chia-Ling Tien, Assistant Professor
Chang Gung Institute of Technology
Department of Child Care & Education