Dear all, due to a last minute cancellation a place has just become available on the Andy F course if anyone would still be able to come. My apologies for the last minute nature of this, all best Peter ASSESS: SPSS (SPSS IBM STATISTICS) USERS GROUP ONE-DAY SPSS WORKSHOP TO BE LED BY ANDY FIELD: THE BEAST OF BIAS AND HOW TO TAME IT ASSESS is an independent user group for SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics), a computer package for analysing and presenting data. It is run by users, for users and is completely independent of manufacturers of the software.
Since 1996 ASSESS have given a wide series of one and half-day workshops at venues around the country on many areas including SPSS syntax, SPSS macros, Survival analysis in SPSS and Analysis of categorical data in SPSS. A one day workshop is provisionally planned to be held in the Phoenix Room, Phoenix Building, University Computing Services, University of Cambridge on Wednesday 13th April 2016 led by Andy Field (University of Sussex).
Workshop topics (together with a copy of the booking form below) are at This all-day workshop explores sources of bias in data and how to correct for them. The day will begin by looking at the commonalities between lots of well-known procedures and how by focusing on the underlying similarity between seemingly
different tests we can think about bias in a consistent way. We will then move on to look at different sources of bias included well-known assumptions such as homogeneity of variance/homoscedasticity and normality and outliers. In the final part, we will look
at four remedies for bias (trimming, winsorizing, the bootstrap, and transforming data) and compare their pros and cons. Throughout the day, (fairly basic) interactive SPSS tasks will be used to explore the points being made. Professor Andy Field of the University of Sussex has published extensively on emotional development in children but in the unlikely event that you’ve ever heard of him it’ll be as the ‘Stats book guy’. That’s because he wrote the bestselling
textbook ‘Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics: and sex and drugs and rock n’ roll’, which won the British Psychological Society book award in 2007. He’s also written a version of that book for R and SAS. His unorthodox teaching of statistics has
gained him University of Sussex (2001) and British Psychological Society (2006) teaching awards and a prestigious National Teaching Fellowship (2010). In his spare time he plays the drums very noisily in a heavy metal band, which he finds therapeutic. The day will run from approximately 9-45am to 4-45pm. The booking fee includes
mid-morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea but not overnight accommodation. Further details will be sent out to delegates upon receipt of booking forms.
PS You can obtain 20% discounts on SPSS books by clicking on the link at BOOKING FORM ANDY FIELD WORKSHOP: THE BEAST OF BIAS AND HOW TO TAME IT Wednesday 13th April 2016 (Cambridge) Important: Bookings will not be treated as firm until a cheque or official (company) order, payable to ASSESS, is received. Note payment can also be made by BACS. Details on request. Please indicate if you require a receipt of payment. Please note
we reserve the right to cancel the workshop if there are insufficient numbers. Name: Tel:
Email: Fax:
Job Title: Organization: Address: Postcode (Enter the appropriate amounts below) INDIVIDUAL BOOKING. Please reserve a place for me, at a cost of £200. CORPORATE BOOKING. (Enter the appropriate amounts) Please reserve _______ places, at a cost of ______GBP (£200 for the first person and £150 for each subsequent person).
Names of attendees : 1. (for badges) 2. 3.
STUDENT (POST-GRADUATE) BOOKING. (Enclose photocopied evidence of status for 2015-2016 academic year).
Please reserve for me one of the student places, at a cost of £100. Specify vegetarian or other dietary requirements, if any: Cheque or official order enclosed for ____GBP For official orders please also give here the number and address for invoicing: Return completed forms to Peter Watson, ASSESS, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 7EF by Thursday 31st March 2016. Telephone enquiries about bookings: (01223) 355294 x801 or (01223) 273712 (direct line) (both number have an answerphone) E-mail enquiries about bookings: [hidden email] (important: put ‘ASSESS’ in the Subject field) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Watson MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit 15 Chaucer Road Cambridge CB2 7EF Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 355294 x801 or +44 (0) 1223 273712 (direct) Fax +44 (0) 1223) 359062 |
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