THURSDAY 27TH OCTOBER 2011 2PM TO 4-30PM ALCUIN RESEARCH RESOURCE CENTRE UNIVERSITY OF YORK, YORK 25TH SPSS USERS' ANNUAL ONE-DAY MEETING FRIDAY 28TH OCTOBER 2011 ALCUIN RESEARCH RESOURCE CENTRE AUDITORIUM UNIVERSITY OF YORK, YORK ASSESS is an independent user led group for SPSS, a computer package for analysing and presenting data. Recent ASSESS workshop topics include SPSS/R syntax, SPSS macros, GLMs, SPSS output management system (OMS) and Python.
Two sets of two half-day parallel workshops are provisionally planned to be held in the Alcuin Research Resource Centre, University of York, on Thursday 27th October 2011. The 'Introductory SPSS syntax' and 'Introduction to handling Hospital
Episode Statistics (HES) (with SPSS)' workshops will be run in parallel from 9-45am to 12-45pm and the 'Correlation & Regression' and ' Analysis of Contingency Tables in R' workshops in parallel from 2pm to 4-30pm. Delegates may, therefore, attend upto one
of the morning workshops and/or upto one of the afternoon workshops. Workshop topics are at The workshops will be taught in an interactive hands-on workshop-style format, with frequent examples and exercises for participants to work through. A full set of notes
and example files will also be given to all who attend. The SPSS syntax workshop tutor is Keith Bentley, a retired senior police officer, who currently holds lectureships in the Business School and the Criminology Faculties at the University of Salford. He is a regular user of SPSS and specializes
in the Field of police intelligence systems. Chris Bojke and Rossella Verzulli, who will lead the HES workshop, have worked extensively with HES and are lecturers in the Centre for Health Economics UK at the University of York. Elizabeth Wiredu, of Data Solutions
Services, will lead the correlation and regression workshop. She gives SPSS courses aimed at NHS clinicians and is a former lecturer at Edgehill University. Professor MacKenzie FIS, MSc, DIC, PhD, C.Stat, C. Sci., MFPHM (Hon.), who will lead the 'Analysis
of Contingency Tables in R' workshop, is Director of the Centre of Biostatistics University of Limerick and currently visiting Professor of Statistics in ENSAI France.
The ‘SPSS syntax’ workshop will introduce basic, commonly used, syntax structures. The ‘HES in SPSS’ workshop will introduce and present ways of handling large databases such as HES data. The ‘Correlation & Regression in SPSS’ workshop
will provide a thorough and practical understanding of correlations and types of multiple regressions. The 'Analysis of Contingency Tables in R' workshop will deal with statistical inference on frequency data using R.
The booking fee includes a coffee break mid-workshop but not overnight accommodation. A buffet lunch is also available. Further details will be sent to delegates upon receipt of booking forms. Delegates can attend upto two workshops as well as the annual users meeting the following day.
On the day following the workshops there will be the annual one-day meeting of the SPSS users group (ASSESS). Come along to: * hear SPSS users talk about applications,the problems and solutions * hear the latest news from SPSS UK staff about product developments, and put your questions to them * see "live" demonstrations of SPSS software * poster sessions * exchange ideas with other SPSS users * plan for an even better user group and suggest some events for next year The venue for both the workshops and users' meeting is the Alcuin Research Resource
Centre (ARRC) on York University campus located in Heslington, 2 miles to the south-east
of the city centre. It takes 10-15 minutes in a taxi from the railway station.
The Number 4 bus runs regularly to the University from York railway station (see Parking at the University is very difficult.
Location details are at Accommodation is
bookable via tourist information on (01904) 621756 or (01904) 554455. THE PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME** * Welcome and introduction to meeting * SPSS version 20 latest news & software demonstrations * Which women are having a hysterectomy and why? A plain English presentation of the methodology and findings from a database linkage study in SPSS using Hospital Episode Statistics and National Cervical Screening Records by Helen Stokes-Lampard,
University of Birmingham * Handling dirty data by Roger Stafford, National Centre for Social Research
* Manipulating files: an application to multilevel data from the football World Cup by Chris Stride, University of Sheffield * The GP Patient Survey - Managing the largest healthcare study in the UK by Peter Deacon & Vishen Thumbadoo, Ipsos Mori * New algorithms in R for high dimensional contingency tables (callable from SPSS) by Susana Conde, University of Limerick * The pros and cons of using SPSS as a research tool to explore individual differences by Sophie von Stumm, Goldsmiths College * How to utilise SPSS when dealing with governmental (and NHS) data by Tassadaque Masood, NHS Supply chain * Open meeting to plan 2012 ASSESS events. Registration and coffee will start at 10am. Papers and other events will run
from 10.30am to about 5.00pm. Morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea are
included in the registration fee. A timetable will be e-mailed to delegates in advance of the meeting. ______________________ ** The titles and order of events are subject to amendment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKING FORM ASSESS: INTRODUCTION TO SPSS SYNTAX USING THE BRITISH CRIME SURVEY /
Thursday 27th October 2011 9-45am to 12-45pm Alcuin Research Resource Centre (ARRC), University of York ASSESS: CORRELATION & REGRESSION IN SPSS / ANALYSIS OF CONTINGENCY TABLES IN R Thursday 27th October 2011 2pm to 4-30pm Alcuin Research Resource Centre (ARRC), University of York ASSESS : SPSS USERS' GROUP ONE-DAY MEETING Friday 28th October 2011, ARRC auditorium, University of York Important: Bookings will not be treated as firm until a cheque or official (company) order, payable to ASSESS, is received. Payment possible by BACS. Details on request. Deadline for bookings: Friday 14th October 2011. Please note we reserve the right
to cancel the workshops if there are insufficient numbers. Name: ______________________________ Tel: ____________________ Email: ______________________________ Fax: ____________________ Job Title: ___________________________________ Organization: ___________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________ Postcode _______________ Names of attendees & event(s) they wish to attend (Please delete as appropriate): (Names for badges) 1. _________________________ Event(s): SPSS syntax/HES/Correlation & Regression/Analysis of tables in R/Annual Users Meeting 2. _________________________ Event(s): SPSS syntax/HES/Correlation & Regression/Analysis of tables in R/Annual Users Meeting 3. _________________________ Event(s): SPSS syntax/HES/Correlation & Regression/Analysis of tables in R/Annual Users Meeting 4. _________________________ Event(s): SPSS syntax/HES/Correlation & Regression/Analysis of tables in R/Annual Users Meeting 5. _________________________ Event(s): SPSS syntax/HES/Correlation & Regression/Analysis of tables in R/Annual Users Meeting (Please enter the appropriate amounts below and delete as appropriate) First delegate Subsequent delegates No. Students or Retired No. EITHER Introduction to SPSS Syntax or An Introduction to Hospital Episode Statistics (with SPSS) workshop £80 £70 £40
EITHER Correlation & Regression in SPSS or Analysis of Contingency Tables in R workshop £80 £70 £40
Two workshops (includes lunch) £150 £130 £75
Annual Conference £70 £60 £40
Annual Conference plus EITHER Introduction to SPSS Syntax or An Introduction to Hospital Episode Statistics (with SPSS) workshop £140 £120 £70
Annual Conference plus EITHER Correlation & Regression in SPSS or Analysis of Contingency Tables in R workshop £140 £120 £70
Annual Conference plus two workshops (includes lunch between workshops) £190 £160 £90
Lunch before or after single workshop £10 £10 £5
TOTALS £ £ £ GRAND TOTAL £ If having Lunch: Specify vegetarian or other dietary requirements, if any: ________________________________________________________________ Cheque or official order enclosed for _______GBP For official orders please also give here the number and address for invoicing: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (Please indicate if you require a receipt of payment) Return completed forms to: Peter Watson, ASSESS, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge, CB2 7EF BY FRIDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2011. Telephone enquiries about bookings: 01223 355294 x801 (has an answerphone) E-mail enquiries about bookings: [hidden email] (important: put "ASSESS" in the Subject field) Fax (Peter Watson):01223 359062 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more PASW and statistics courses including SPSS syntax see -------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Watson MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit 15 Chaucer Road Cambridge CB2 7EF Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 355294 x801 Telephone (Direct): +44 (0) 1223 273712 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 359062 |
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