I am assuming you are using the Complex Sample module in SPSS, and have
specified what sampling design was used to collect the data.
To your question of which test to use chi-square v. Fisher's exact: the
latter should be used because in a 2x2 table if only one cell has an
expected frequency of less than 5, one of the assumptions for the chi-square
test is violated. SPSS gives you automatically the results of Fisher's test
in Crosstab when the analysis is on a 2x2 table.
Good luck.
Dominic Lusinchi
Far West Research
Statistical Consulting
San Francisco, California
-----Original Message-----
From: Alice P Chiu [mailto:
[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 2:29 AM
Subject: Analysis of a Stratified Cluster Sample
Dear all,
I would like to seek some advice regarding the analysis of a Stratified
Cluster Sample.
I would like to find the association between two variables. Within the 2x2
table, there was an expected count of less than 5.
I was told that Fisher's exact test should not be used in such a scenaario.
Can you please advice which test should be used instead?
Thanks in advance!
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