Another useful site and book

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Another useful site and book

John F Hall

Just found another useful site and textbook.


Stephen A. Sweet, and Karen Grace-Martin 
Data Analysis with SPSS: A First Course in Applied Statistics
(4th Edition Pearson, 2010)


Stephen ( ) is Associate Professor, Sociology, Ithaca College specialising in Work, Family and the Life Course.


Karen ( ) runs her own consultancy The Analysis Factor (  on which there are dozens of entries for statistics, including 61 posts under SPSS alone (


She offers occasional free webinars ( and you can sign up for future ones and download recordings of previous ones ( but these may be a bit advanced for beginners. 


Specific postings include SPSS, SAS, R, Stata, JMP?  Choosing a Statistical Software Package or Two.  and
The 3 Stages of Mastering Statistical Analysis.


I'm waiting for a review copy of the book, but looking at the publisher's blurb, checking out entries on Karen’s own site and seeing her profile, I think I've found another kindred spirit.  Although it's basically a statistics textbook, it uses data from the General Social Survey and is probably more appropriate for social science students than Andy Field's book.  Full details on my new page


John F Hall (Mr)

[Retired academic survey researcher]


Email:   [hidden email] 


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Running 2sls in SPSS

Santosh Pande



I am trying to run a two stage least squared regression (2sls) in SPSS.


While it is available under Analayze....Regression......2sls.... I am not clear how to do the following;


1.      How do I test the suspected variables for  endogenity?    Literature tells me about the Wu-Hausman F test and the  Durbin-Wu-Hausman chi-sq tests- can these tests be run in SPSS??


2.      How do I check, in SPSS, whether the instrument variables that I have used are  “Weak” or “Strong”?


3.      Also when I run the 2 sls I have the option to save the values for “Predicted” and “Residuals” as New Variables – from the Options box in SPSS. Can I use these to test for the weakness /strength of the instrument variables?


My queries are specific to SPSS only…. I am aware that the above questions  can be handled in E Views or STATA but would like to do these in SPSS….. to teach to my class who have access to SPSS only.


Best Regards



Santosh Pande

Mobile No.: +91 9810213999


view my research on my SSRN Author page: 



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