Any advice for reporting out-of-range data in SPSS

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Any advice for reporting out-of-range data in SPSS

Pantana, John J.

I have a student who asked the following question:


I have entered all the test and classification data into SPSS.  I ended
up having 43 variables for each student.  I have been "playing" with the
data in SPSS trying out different analysis features.  Something I did
not anticipate was the number of students that have tested off the
charts (at both ends).  I am trying to figure out the fairest way to
represent this data in SPSS.  About 10 students tested below the first
grade level for reading and <6.0 for age equivalency.  About 5 have
tested >99th percentile.  For now, I have entered this data in the
following manner: 0.9 for below first grade reading level, 5.9 for <6.0
age equivalency, and 99 for >99th percentile.


I recognize that this may skew the data since both tests only test in
the range of 6.0-18.0 for age and 1.0-12.0 for grade equivalency.  Do
you have any suggestions regarding how I should record or treat this
"out-of-test range" data?  Should I also be writing about these initial
results in chapter four right now or is it best to wait until I have the
post-test data?


Any advice would be appreciated.  John