Anyone Have Experience Using TURF analysis?

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Anyone Have Experience Using TURF analysis?

Björn Türoque
I have sample data from a community college trying to figure out what
majors and program types to offer so that enrollment in one program or
major does not steal potential enrolment from other similar programs. I
have been told that TURF analysis is the best way to go about figuring out
this problem, but have no experience running this in SPSS (or any other
program). Just to let you know TURF stands for Total Unduplicated Reach
and Frequency Analysis. I have been able to piece together information
from the internet and previous posts; from what I understand TURF is
similar to stepwise regression, but requires a different reading of the
results and re-running regressions over and over and over with almost
every possible combination and order of variables.

My dataset has nearly 800 respondents, who rated their interest in 23
different majors along a 4 point likert scale 0 being not at all
interested and 3 being very interested. Additionally there are 7 program
types, online, hybrid, classroom format, etc. That are measured on the
same 4 point likert scale. How do I go about running this type of analysis
in SPSS? Is there a syntax or add on that will run this type of analysis?
I have access to classification trees at school if this add on would help
with the analysis in any way.
