Attribute Recall v Attribute Importance

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Attribute Recall v Attribute Importance

Seems as though the easiest question leaves a blank, so a nudge please :)

Have a series of attributes whereby the response is "Yes, recall seeing or
hearing about it in the last 30 days" versus "No, don't recall seeing or
hearing about it in the last 30 days"

Next for the same set of attributes: "Yes, is important to me" and "No, is
not important to me"

I am looking to understand if a relationship exists between recall and

I also know the responses are poor but had no choice in that. Have looked at
simple correlations but I just know there is something else much more
viable, IF there is?


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Re: Attribute Recall v Attribute Importance

My first question is how do researchers analyze this type of response data?
There are a variety of ways to analyze the situation you describe but
you describe only one.  Let me describe two possibilities but may not
be acceptable to researchers in the relevant area(s),

First, instead of analyzing pairs of responses (i.e., recall vs importance
for each question), analyze all responses for each subject/participant.
For example, if you restructure the data so that each subject has
two columns containing the recall-importance pairs, you can calculate
the Pearson r for each subject (assuming you use 0,1 coding where
1= recall-yes, importance-yes and 0= recall-no, importance-no; the
Pearson r is actually a phi coefficient -- one could also calculate the
odds ratio instead or in addition).  This analysis provides a Pearson r
for each person and indicates if the pattern of responses are related.
If positive, then recall and importance appear to operate together.
If r -0.00, then recall and importance operate independently.
If negative, when recall is high, importance is low and vice versa.
Then calculate the median Pearson r (phi) across subjects and.or
divide subjects into groups on the basis of the sign of the correlation.
Relevant theory should be used to interpret the results though the
above interpretations should be valid to a first approximation.

There are two justifications for the above analysis:
(1)  Stephenson's Q methogology was developed back in the middle
of the 20th century to systematically study relationships between
subjects.  Use Google scholar to find relevant publications.
(2)  Saul Sternberg's "memory scanning exoeriments" had subjects
determine whether a target (e.g., the letter "H") was present in
a list of items (lists varied from one item to five items).  After
several hundred trials (each trial had a different list and list
length was randomized across trials) the responses (i.e.,
Reaction Time or amount of time it took to make a response,
typically in thousands of a second or milliseconds [ms]).
Results can be analyzed on a subject by subject basis and/or
using group data.  Sternberg found that subjects engaged in
exhaustive serial processing even when the target was not on
the list (i.e., subjects did not engage in "self-terminating search"
after detecting the item on the list; if the item was the first element
in the list, people still scanned the entire list).  Sternberg's
reults indicate that people take 30 ms (point estimate) to scan
a list in memory, an extremely fast memory process.  However,
theory is important because subsequent researchers have
argued that (a) the search is not serial but parallel with all
items being examed at the same time (see Theios work) and
(b) one has to beleve in a traditional memory model where
short-term memory (STM) has properties different from long-term
memory (LTM); today most researchers accept some version of
Baddeley's working memory model (WM) or assert that STM
is actually the temporary activation of LTM representations.
The preceding should give some sense of rhe relevance of
theory in making an interpretation of results.

Second, another way to analyze your data is to get the sum or
mean for the recall items (coded 0,1) and the sum or mean of
the importance items (coded 0,1) and then forming a ratio for
each subject like the following:

ratio = (sum or mean recall)/(sum or mean importance)

A ratio > 1.00 indicates that recall considerations appear to be
more relevant than importance,
a ratio = 1.00 indicates that recall and importance appear to play
similar roles, and
a ration < 1.00 indicates rhat importance is, well, more important
than recall.
The above anallysis is coarse in that it relies on a summary measure
across two different 30 item vectors.  One could do a fine grain analysis
by getting the ratio for each item and getting a summary measure
(e.g., a median) for each subject.

It is possible that neither of the above analyses are used by researchers
in this area but you should know what is commonly done.  So,
if you don't know what analysis is commonly done, list to Hamlet:
"Get thee to Google Scholar.  Or PsycInfo if you have access."

-Mike Palij
New York University

On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 11:08 AM zstatman <[hidden email]> wrote:
Seems as though the easiest question leaves a blank, so a nudge please :)

Have a series of attributes whereby the response is "Yes, recall seeing or
hearing about it in the last 30 days" versus "No, don't recall seeing or
hearing about it in the last 30 days"

Next for the same set of attributes: "Yes, is important to me" and "No, is
not important to me"

I am looking to understand if a relationship exists between recall and

I also know the responses are poor but had no choice in that. Have looked at
simple correlations but I just know there is something else much more
viable, IF there is?


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