BUG? ver 21 Weirdness in Syntax Editor with SPLIT window

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BUG? ver 21 Weirdness in Syntax Editor with SPLIT window

David Marso
While I adore several of the features in my newly acquired version 21 (including the AUtoComplete (not that I need it -I can type faster than the popup- and it behaves in a much less graceful fashion than what I am used to (say in M$ Visual Studio).
Left hand outlining:  Cool, would be nice to have more info as context.
DEFINE    (Define What).

Window > Split!  WAY COOL!
However, when I am working with a split window,
I DO NOT want the two sub windows to try to play catchup.
Say I have the top window in focus and I am using code at the top of the file.
The bottom window contains code from a lower section.
If I type a new line or copy / paste to the top, the lower window scrolls as well and renumbers.
I don't have a huge problem with the renumbering, but I end up losing focus on what I was working with in the lower window.
Does anyone have a good strategy for using a split syntax window without the annoying scrolling/shifting of the contents to reflect modifications at the top of the file?
IMNSHO, the bloody things should remain exactly where they were and function INDEPENDENTLY of one another.  Maybe there is another way to disable this behavior but I haven't found it.
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