Can't find repeated measures GLM in SPSS 23

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Can't find repeated measures GLM in SPSS 23


I am trying to run a mixed MANOVA in SPSS 23 and am following this super nice tutorial:

This tutorial covers an ANOVA instead of a MANOVA, but the idea is the same. The first screenshot on that page shows the menu structure and where to find the repeated measures ANOVA.

A screenshot from my menu structure however shows a different layout:
Sorry for the German, but under "General Linear models" the two options say "Generalized Linear Models..." and "Generalized Estimation Equations..."

Am I missing an extension pack or do I find this option somewhere else in SPSS 23?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Can't find repeated measures GLM in SPSS 23

Bruce Weaver
I wonder if you want the repeated measures option under "Allgemeines lineares Modell".  The first dialog that appears has an option to add "measures" (i.e., dependent variables).


Alexander wrote

I am trying to run a mixed MANOVA in SPSS 23 and am following this super nice tutorial:

This tutorial covers an ANOVA instead of a MANOVA, but the idea is the same. The first screenshot on that page shows the menu structure and where to find the repeated measures ANOVA.

A screenshot from my menu structure however shows a different layout:
Sorry for the German, but under "General Linear models" the two options say "Generalized Linear Models..." and "Generalized Estimation Equations..."

Am I missing an extension pack or do I find this option somewhere else in SPSS 23?

Thanks in advance,
Bruce Weaver

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Re: Can't find repeated measures GLM in SPSS 23

Good lord, I have confused "General" with "Generalized".

This was the solution and I am slightly embarrassed now.

Thanks a lot!