Checking Order effect in data

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Checking Order effect in data

Hi All,

I have to analyze order effect in my data. see below some brief about my data set:
1) My data set have 6 different type of product in which 3 are test product and other 3 are the control product. I need to test 3 test product against each control product.
2)each respondent have checked only 4 products based on some pre-define order.
3) we have total 75 respondent each have tested 4 product so in total (75*4=300) cases and product wiese we have 50 sample per product.
4) I have to perform significant test for 3 test product against each control product, but this I am checking for normality of data and order effect.

For order effect I am using general linear model --> univariate. Can any one help me understand it's result and how to proceed if found any order effect for sig test.

Do let me know if anything unclear/need more info.

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Re: Checking Order effect in data

HI all,

Can any one help me on this..??
