Hi Joan,
Here is a slightly different approach using string parsing rather than the complicated MOD TRUNC / biz. Makes me dizzy trying to mentally parse that. HTH, David -- DATA LIST LIST / id , times, timef . BEGIN DATA 1, 20110127202010, 20110127202521, 2, 20110128223019, 20110129001031, 3, 20110129012051, 20110129012541, 4, 20110130202010, 20110130202521, 5, 20110131143059, 20110131144531, 6, 20110201162041, 20110201162531, 7, 20110202022031, 20110202023501, 8, 20110203152021, 20110203154531, 9, 20110204232011, 20110205000521 END DATA. DO REPEAT #1=#Y1 #M1 #D1 #H1 #MN1 #S1 / #2=#Y2 #M2 #D2 #H2 #MN2 #S2 / B= 1 5 7 9 11 13 / L= 4 2 2 2 2 2 . COMPUTE #1 = NUMBER(SUBSTR(STRING(times,F14) ,B,L),F4). COMPUTE #2 = NUMBER(SUBSTR(STRING(timef,F14) ,B,L),F4). END REPEAT. **DTTMDIFF is the interval in seconds. COMPUTE DTTMDIFF= DATE.MDY(#M2,#D2,#Y2)+TIME.HMS(#H2,#MN2,#S2) -(DATE.MDY(#M1,#D1,#Y1)+TIME.HMS(#H1,#MN1,#S1)). FORMATS times timef (F14.0). LIST. ID TIMES TIMEF DTTMDIFF 1.00 20110127202010 20110127202521 311.00 2.00 20110128223019 20110129001031 6012.00 3.00 20110129012051 20110129012541 290.00 4.00 20110130202010 20110130202521 311.00 5.00 20110131143059 20110131144531 872.00 6.00 20110201162041 20110201162531 290.00 7.00 20110202022031 20110202023501 870.00 8.00 20110203152021 20110203154531 1510.00 9.00 20110204232011 20110205000521 2710.00 Number of cases read: 9 Number of cases listed: 9
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Very nice, David! I was getting a bit dizzy too, and thought about using SUBSTR. But without the looping, it was not going to improve much on the original approach.
Bruce Weaver "When all else fails, RTFM." PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above. 2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA ( |
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