Combining files for British Social Attitudes 1983 - 2014

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Combining files for British Social Attitudes 1983 - 2014

John F Hall

If anyone fancies bit of horror-story bedtime reading, links to my initial accounts of the work (still in progress) and problems encountered combining data from the separate waves of British Social Attitudes 1983 – 2014 into single files are on my page:

1983 onwards 
British Social Attitudes 1983-2014 _Constructing cumulative files

2009 to 2014 
British Social Attitudes 2009 - 2014 Measurement levels
British Social Attitudes 2009 to 2014 _ Missing values
British Social Attitudes 2009 to 2014 _ Multiple response
British Social Attitudes 2009 to 2014 _ Variable and value labels


John F Hall (Mr)

[Retired academic survey researcher]


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