Compare Means

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Compare Means

kende jan
Dear all,
I would compare two means between cases and controls taking into account that I have  matched 1 case to two controls. How i can do it with pasw statistics 17
Thanks in advance
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Re: Compare Means

Rich Ulrich
Bruce has given the direct statistical answer that uses the fact
of matching.

When the matches were constructed from factors
like age and sex, etc., it is usually a better practice to
ignore the matching when doing the test, and control
for the matching variables as covariates or factors,
in an ANOVA with 2 groups. 

If the controls were from different sources (which is
a more ambitious design), the setup would preserve
the three groups and give the test as a special contrast,
Case vs (Control1+control2)/2 .

Rich Ulrich

Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 15:19:52 +0000
From: [hidden email]
Subject: Compare Means
To: [hidden email]

Dear all,
I would compare two means between cases and controls taking into account that I have  matched 1 case to two controls. How i can do it with pasw statistics 17
Thanks in advance