Dear list! I’m going to do a lot of conversions between different file formats, mainly between SAS and SPSS in both directions. I remember that long time ago there was 2 programs (Dbmscopy and StatTransfer) that accomplished this. Are they still the best and is there any evaluation of the pro’s and con’s of these 2 programs? Any input is greatly appreciated. best Staffan Lindberg Sweden |
This functionality is built in to Statistics.
No need to use other software for this.
Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM [hidden email] phone: 720-342-5621 From: Staffan Lindberg <[hidden email]> To: [hidden email], Date: 01/01/2014 04:59 AM Subject: [SPSSX-L] Comparison between Dbmscopy and StatTransfer Sent by: "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]> Dear list! I’m going to do a lot of conversions between different file formats, mainly between SAS and SPSS in both directions. I remember that long time ago there was 2 programs (Dbmscopy and StatTransfer) that accomplished this. Are they still the best and is there any evaluation of the pro’s and con’s of these 2 programs? Any input is greatly appreciated. best Staffan Lindberg Sweden |
Thank you ever so much Jon! From which version of Statistics is this possible? I guess that you mean that it is possible to convert an SPSS-file to SAS? Is it also possible to have a SAS file as input and convert it to a SPSS file? Does this also include variable and value labels in SPSS and “formats” in SAS? /Staffan Lindberg Sweden Från: Jon K Peck [mailto:[hidden email]] This functionality is built in to Statistics. No need to use other software for this.
SAS file reading and writing has been available
in SPSS for a long time, SAS 9 format was added in V18 and SAS Unicode
Note that since SAS value labels are written to a separate file, you need the /FORMATS command for GET SAS and the /VALFILE subcommand in SAVE TRANSLATE to handle value labels. Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM [hidden email] phone: 720-342-5621 From: "Staffan Lindberg" <[hidden email]> To: Jon K Peck/Chicago/IBM@IBMUS, Cc: <[hidden email]> Date: 01/01/2014 07:35 AM Subject: SV: [SPSSX-L] Comparison between Dbmscopy and StatTransfer Thank you ever so much Jon! From which version of Statistics is this possible? I guess that you mean that it is possible to convert an SPSS-file to SAS? Is it also possible to have a SAS file as input and convert it to a SPSS file? Does this also include variable and value labels in SPSS and “formats” in SAS? /Staffan Lindberg Sweden Från: Jon K Peck [mailto:peck@...] Skickat: den 1 januari 2014 14:54 Till: Staffan Lindberg Kopia: [hidden email] Ämne: Re: [SPSSX-L] Comparison between Dbmscopy and StatTransfer This functionality is built in to Statistics. No need to use other software for this. Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim Senior Software Engineer, IBM peck@... phone: 720-342-5621 From: Staffan Lindberg <staffan.lindberg@...> To: [hidden email], Date: 01/01/2014 04:59 AM Subject: [SPSSX-L] Comparison between Dbmscopy and StatTransfer Sent by: "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]> Dear list! I’m going to do a lot of conversions between different file formats, mainly between SAS and SPSS in both directions. I remember that long time ago there was 2 programs (Dbmscopy and StatTransfer) that accomplished this. Are they still the best and is there any evaluation of the pro’s and con’s of these 2 programs? Any input is greatly appreciated. best Staffan Lindberg Sweden |
In reply to this post by Staffan Lindberg
Dear Staffan I wouldn’t recommend StatTransfer. It’s buggy, and the support is dreadful. Garry From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Staffan Lindberg Dear list! I’m going to do a lot of conversions between different file formats, mainly between SAS and SPSS in both directions. I remember that long time ago there was 2 programs (Dbmscopy and StatTransfer) that accomplished this. Are they still the best and is there any evaluation of the pro’s and con’s of these 2 programs? Any input is greatly appreciated. best Staffan Lindberg Sweden |
See Jon's reply that SAS to SPSS and SPSS to SAS have been supported with SPSS for quite a long time.
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
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In reply to this post by Staffan Lindberg
One thing I've not been able to figure out how to do with SPSS when saving
a file in a SAS format: I've often wanted to rename an SPSS variable during the save process using a SAS naming convention that is not permitted in SPSS. For example, having the variable name @VAR in the .sav file show up as _VAR in the SAS file. Is that possible? If not, could that be done with DBMScopy or StatTransfer? ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
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