Counting occasions in a data set.

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Counting occasions in a data set.

Mark Webb-3
I'm trying to count occasions in a database and just not getting there.
I've tried with LOOP and LAG and almost get it but not 100%.
My data is in the 1st column below - I want to compute the second column.
Any assistance will be appreciated.

Column 1         Column 2
1                            1
1                            2
1                            3
2                            1
2                            2
3                            1
3                            2
3                            3
3                            4
3                            5

Assume that column 1 will be sorted. Everytime column 1 changes the counts in column 2 starts from 1.
The number of times a number is repeated in column 1 is variable.
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Re: Counting occasions in a data set.

Frederic Villamayor Forcada

If your variable is called col01, then try this syntax:


RANK case BY col01
 /RANK INTO col02.




Frederic Villamayor, BS
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20/04/2007 10:41
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Mark Webb <[hidden email]>

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[SPSSX-L] Counting occasions in a data set.

I'm trying to count occasions in a database and just not getting there.
I've tried with LOOP and LAG and almost get it but not 100%.
My data is in the 1st column below - I want to compute the second column.
Any assistance will be appreciated.

Column 1         Column 2
1                            1
1                            2
1                            3
2                            1
2                            2
3                            1
3                            2
3                            3
3                            4
3                            5

Assume that column 1 will be sorted. Everytime column 1 changes the counts
in column 2 starts from 1.
The number of times a number is repeated in column 1 is variable.