Ctables - Standard error

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Ctables - Standard error

Dear All,

Just need some help in providing the 'Standard Error' in the Ctables syntax.

It seems there is a option to give 'Standard error of the mean' i.e. SEMEAN.
However I need to give only 'Standard error'. Could anyone please let me
know how it can be given.

Appreciate your help in advance.


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Re: Ctables - Standard error

Jon Peck
Do you  mean the standard deviation of the variable? That's available as STDDEV.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 9:14 AM jagadishpchary <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear All,

Just need some help in providing the 'Standard Error' in the Ctables syntax.

It seems there is a option to give 'Standard error of the mean' i.e. SEMEAN.
However I need to give only 'Standard error'. Could anyone please let me
know how it can be given.

Appreciate your help in advance.


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Jon K Peck
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Re: Ctables - Standard error

Hi John,

No its not about Standard deviation.
My requirement is to provide 'Standard Error' in the table. However we don't
have this option in Ctables. We do have only 'Standard error of the mean'
i.e. SEMEAN.


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Re: Ctables - Standard error

Hi Jagadish,

All standard errors are the standard error "of" a particular estimated parameter. For example, standard error of the: mean, median, proportion, regression estimate, etc. Because standard error of the mean is so common, it might be simply referred to as the 'standard error', if the context makes it clear that that is indeed what is being reported. For example, a table might have columns for 'Mean' and 'SE'. In that case we can assume that the standard error that is being reported is the standard error 'of the mean'.

So if in your case the only estimated parameter being included is the mean, you can assume that the standard error you are being asked for is the 'standard error of the mean'. However, if it includes multiple estimates (mean, median, proportion etc), you will need to clarify what they want (eg, the standard error for each of those estimates).

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of jagadishpchary
Sent: Friday, 9 October 2020 4:58 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Ctables - Standard error

Hi John,

No its not about Standard deviation.
My requirement is to provide 'Standard Error' in the table. However we don't have this option in Ctables. We do have only 'Standard error of the mean'
i.e. SEMEAN.


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Re: Ctables - Standard error & Error variance

Dear Kylie,

Thanks for the clarification.

I also have a Query regarding the 'Error Variance' as i need to calculate
for a numeric variable.

In Ctables we have the option to calculate the 'Variance'. However there is
no direct option to perform the 'Error variance'. Could anyone let me know
how to do this in Ctables.


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