David Marso

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David Marso

Bruce Weaver
In a recent post to the SPSSX-L forum, John Norton mentioned "the late great David Marso".  I was taken aback when I read that, because I was unaware that David had died.  I subsequently found this obituary:


He was certainly a bit of a maverick, our David.  But what a brilliant programmer.  I learned an awful lot from his posts.  

As many of you will remember, he also had a real knack for coining interesting terms like "ESPss" and "interneTelepathy".  And he enjoyed trying to stump the rest of us by posting things like CEFGW without explanation.  ;-)  

RIP, David.  
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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Re: David Marso

His knowlegde of SPSS and programming wit will be missed. I have learned so much from his examples.

RIP David Marso

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Re: David Marso

In reply to this post by Bruce Weaver
Oh Wow...

I always appreciated his willingness to help. I also found myself quoting him one day  "RTFM"


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Re: David Marso

Ki Park
I have posted a few questions and David was one of the 'masters' who will always give me great advise. I will miss him in this site, but many, many posts in this site will surely show how helpful he was.