Hi All,
Can anyone help me understand why a 2-category variable gives me a different p-value in the Type III Tests of Fixed Effects table and the Estimates of Fixed Effects table using an LME model when I add in the model an interaction term of this variable with another 2-category variable?
This difference in p-value only happens if I consider both variables as factors (not covariates) in the LME model...
Code Used:
MIXED VisualAcuity BY id time BP
/FIXED time BP BP*time | SSTYPE(3)
Time (1/2)
BloodPressure (BP) (1/2)
Time x BP
In the Type III Tests of Fixed Effects table I get:
p-value for Time p=0.02
p-value for BP p=0.29
p-value for Time x BP p=0.84
In the Estimates of Fixed Effects table I get:
p-value for Time p=0.17
p-value for BP p=0.34
p-value for Time x BP p=0.84
Also, I've noticed that if I only put one of the variables as factor, say BP, and time as a covariate, the p-value of BP is the same in both tables (as desired, p=0.37)) but the p-value for the variable I specified as covariate (time) is not (p=0.02 / p=0.17) (despite the p-value for the interaction term still being the same in both tables).
Thank you very much.
PS: This problem doesn't happen if I compute the interaction term manually/as a pre-specified variable
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