Discriminant Analysis with imputed datasets

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Discriminant Analysis with imputed datasets

Smith, Gail


I have a dataset containing variables that have some missing values.  I want to run a discriminant analysis.  I have used the multiple imputation procedure in SPSS and have created 20 datasets.   When I run the DA, I get separate results for each dataset.


How do I combine/pool these results ?


Thanks for any suggestions,




Gail L. Smith

Senior Research Analyst

Boys Town National Research Institute

      for Child and Family Studies


[hidden email]


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Re: Discriminant Analysis with imputed datasets

Bruce Weaver
SPSS computes pooled estimates for some things.  E.g., see the table of coefficients at the bottom of this page:  http://www.uvm.edu/~dhowell/StatPages/More_Stuff/Missing_Data/MissingDataSPSS.html.

But notice that there is no "Pooled" result in the ANOVA table.  (IIRC, someone posted links to some syntax or macros for generating "pooled" versions of the F-tests.)  


Smith, Gail wrote
I have a dataset containing variables that have some missing values.  I want to run a discriminant analysis.  I have used the multiple imputation procedure in SPSS and have created 20 datasets.   When I run the DA, I get separate results for each dataset.

How do I combine/pool these results ?

Thanks for any suggestions,


Gail L. Smith
Senior Research Analyst
Boys Town National Research Institute
      for Child and Family Studies
[hidden email]
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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