Do I have a bug when opening new SPSS datasets?

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Do I have a bug when opening new SPSS datasets?


I have discovered that when I open SPSS files (v27) then files are either
opened with the “data view” active  or the “variable view” active. I thought
it was random, but it seems that new files will open with “data view active”
or “variable view active” depending on whether I have closed down a
previous SPSS file when “data view” was active or when “variable view was
Same thing happens when I open a second SPSS file (when an existing SPSS
file is already open). Depending on whether the open file has “data view”
active or “variable view” active, then new files will be opened with either
“data view active” or “variable view active”.

I thought new files should always open with the “data view active”. So do I
have a bug, or does this also happen when you guys open new SPSS datasets?  

Best, Mimir

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