Dear Sppsusers,
I want to actually extend the code in this link which do an exhaustive search on regression model to be able to do it for generalized mixed model in addition to random effect. The mixed model has a syntx like bellow ==== Generalized Linear Mixed Models. GENLINMIXED /DATA_STRUCTURE SUBJECTS=DRG /FIELDS TARGET=!dep TRIALS=NONE OFFSET=NONE /TARGET_OPTIONS DISTRIBUTION=MULTINOMIAL LINK=LOGIT /FIXED EFFECTS= !indepv USE_INTERCEPT=TRUE /*RANDOM EFFFECT varies within different models. /RANDOM EFFECTS= Number_Of_Medical_admissions USE_INTERCEPT=FALSE SUBJECTS=DRG COVARIANCE_TYPE=VARIANCE_COMPONENTS /BUILD_OPTIONS TARGET_CATEGORY_ORDER=ASCENDING INPUTS_CATEGORY_ORDER=ASCENDING MAX_ITERATIONS=100 CONFIDENCE_LEVEL=95 DF_METHOD=RESIDUAL COVB=MODEL PCONVERGE=0.000001(ABSOLUTE) SCORING=0 SINGULAR=0.000000000001 /EMMEANS_OPTIONS SCALE=ORIGINAL PADJUST=LSD. !ENDDEFINE. ==== I need to define two set of varible like created succh as !indep and !randomindep for both FIXED EFEECTS and RANDOM EFFECTS commnds. Howver, I dont know at all the SPSS syntax I will call that by doubling the name of input (putting a R) if in any computation there is an R value its for randomeffect list !randomindep otherwise for !indep ****** Run the below macro first. !combine n=7 m=7 dep=TruAdverseEvent indepv= independet1 indepdent2 RIndependet1 Rindependet2 Can anyone help me write above algorithm as I dont know at all SPSS syntax Regards |
At the bottom of the link you posted see:
*////////////////////////////. DEFINE !regres (dep=!TOKENS(1) /indepv=!CMDEND) REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS R ANOVA /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT !dep /METHOD=ENTER !indepv /SAVE ZPRED . !ENDDEFINE. *////////////////////////////. All you need to do is modify that to use GENLINMIXED rather than REGRESSION. Beyond that?
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