ERROR: Text: OVERALL_Comms_Outside_PE Command: EXAMINE

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ERROR: Text: OVERALL_Comms_Outside_PE Command: EXAMINE


I'm trying to run a box plot for a set of variables, all other groups have
worked but this certain one keeps rejecting with the following error

Text: OVERALL_Comms_Outside_PE Command: EXAMINE
An undefined variable name, or a scratch or system variable was specified in
a variable list which accepts only standard variables.  Check spelling and
verify the existence of this variable.
Execution of this command stops.
No dependent variables were specified. EXAMINE requires a set of dependent
variables for analysis. Check your EXAMINE command.

I've changed the variable name 3 times, saved, relaunched etc. All my other
variables have worked except this and I can't figure out why! Please help!

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Re: ERROR: Text: OVERALL_Comms_Outside_PE Command: EXAMINE
Hi, Emma,

do you have a string variable as dependent variable? Then inserting ALTER TYPE might help.

Note these limitations for EXAMINE command:

- When string variables are used as factors, only the first eight characters are used to form cells. String
variables cannot be specified as dependent variables.
- When more than eight crossed factors (for example, A, B, ... in the specification Y by A by B by ...)
are specified, the command is not executed.


Mario Giesel
Munich, Germany

Am Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2021, 19:37:32 MEZ hat emma-jane.brazier <[hidden email]> Folgendes geschrieben:


I'm trying to run a box plot for a set of variables, all other groups have
worked but this certain one keeps rejecting with the following error

Text: OVERALL_Comms_Outside_PE Command: EXAMINE
An undefined variable name, or a scratch or system variable was specified in
a variable list which accepts only standard variables.  Check spelling and
verify the existence of this variable.
Execution of this command stops.
No dependent variables were specified. EXAMINE requires a set of dependent
variables for analysis. Check your EXAMINE command.

I've changed the variable name 3 times, saved, relaunched etc. All my other
variables have worked except this and I can't figure out why! Please help!

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To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
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Re: ERROR: Text: OVERALL_Comms_Outside_PE Command: EXAMINE

Bruce Weaver
To reproduce Emma's error message, I have to use a nonexistent variable name.
If I use the correct name of a string variable, I get a message that says
specifically I have tried to use a string variable where it is not allowed.
(Code for the examples is shown below.)  

Emma, does that variable work if you use the GUI dialog rather than syntax?
If so, use the PASTE button to exit the GUI, and compare the variable name
in the pasted syntax to your original syntax.  

* Code for examples.
* Change path on the next line as needed.
GET FILE='C:\SPSSdata\car_sales.sav'.
EXAMINE VARIABLES= nonexistent_variable_name.

[hidden email] wrote

> Hi, Emma,
> do you have a string variable as dependent variable? Then inserting ALTER
> TYPE might help.
> Note these limitations for EXAMINE command:
> - When string variables are used as factors, only the first eight
> characters are used to form cells. String
> variables cannot be specified as dependent variables.
> - When more than eight crossed factors (for example, A, B, ... in the
> specification Y by A by B by ...)
> are specified, the command is not executed.
> GL,
> Mario Giesel
> Munich, Germany
> Am Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2021, 19:37:32 MEZ hat emma-jane.brazier &lt;


> &gt; Folgendes geschrieben:
> Hi
> I'm trying to run a box plot for a set of variables, all other groups have
> worked but this certain one keeps rejecting with the following error
> Text: OVERALL_Comms_Outside_PE Command: EXAMINE
> An undefined variable name, or a scratch or system variable was specified
> in
> a variable list which accepts only standard variables.  Check spelling and
> verify the existence of this variable.
> Execution of this command stops.
> No dependent variables were specified. EXAMINE requires a set of dependent
> variables for analysis. Check your EXAMINE command.
> I've changed the variable name 3 times, saved, relaunched etc. All my
> other
> variables have worked except this and I can't figure out why! Please help!
> --
> Sent from:

Bruce Weaver
[hidden email]

"When all else fails, RTFM."

NOTE: My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly.
To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.

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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
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