Eigenvalues - Syntax Parallel

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Eigenvalues - Syntax Parallel


Can you possibly assist me in the calculating of eigenvalues. I got to the
step where the matrix page was given which indicated the root, means and
percentile - it was indicated that this information based on my data is
only the "random eigenvalues", and that I have to compute my own
eigenvalues on a excell spreadsheet. How do i go about it in calculating
it? I have a data set of 306.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Marzanne (South Afirca)
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Re: Eigenvalues - Syntax Parallel

Spousta Jan
Hi Marzanne,

could you please provide more detail? How your data loks like?

If I am right when I suppose that you are computing a correlation matrix
from a data file and that you wish to know eigenvalues of that matrix,
then the solution is this:

GET FILE='C:\Program Files\SPSS\GSS93 subset.sav'.
FACTOR /VAR bigband to opera  /PRINT INITIAL  .

And read the eigenvalues in the first "Total" column.



-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 9:01 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Eigenvalues - Syntax Parallel


Can you possibly assist me in the calculating of eigenvalues. I got to
the step where the matrix page was given which indicated the root, means
and percentile - it was indicated that this information based on my data
is only the "random eigenvalues", and that I have to compute my own
eigenvalues on a excell spreadsheet. How do i go about it in calculating
it? I have a data set of 306.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Marzanne (South Afirca)