Encountering SPSS RAKE Issue

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Encountering SPSS RAKE Issue

Hello everyone,

One of my clients has requested we weight a series of data sets using the RAKE module.  We have a standard IBM business license with Advanced Statistics functionality and have downloaded all of the necessary Python plug-ins and installed them correctly (as best as we can tell).

We are encountering an issue where we are running the RAKE syntax (using both the drop-down and syntax editor options), and the extension seems to be working correctly, as it is not generating an error within SPSS (we are running internal programming instead of via Python).  However, when executing the RAKE command, the system is not generating a weight, nor is the weight being applied to the associated variables.  We have tried everything to figure out why this is occurring and are simply out of ideas.

Here is one of the syntax runs we're using:

SPSSINC RAKE DIM1 = Q3 0 .3 1 .7
DIM2=Q16 0 .5 1 .5

Now, the variable wt3 should (I have been led to believe) be generated automatically and applied based on this syntax (there are no existing weights in the data set).  However, no such weight exists in my dataset, and when I try to weight by wt3 or run frequencies of the underlying variables, no weight is being applied.  I have searched SPSSX high and low and even emailed Jon Peck out of the blue about this.  I am simply out of ideas.  Help?

Note that this is my first time doing this so I could just be completely missing something, but I've spent a lot of time digging and can't come up with anything :(
