Equation for multinomial logistic regression

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Equation for multinomial logistic regression

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Hello spss experts

I wonder if someone could advise how to write the equation for a multinomial logistic regression based on the spss output which can be seen here


I am an experienced spss user ( but not a statistician) and understand how to write the equation for or multiple linear regression and it's not clear to me how to do it for multinomial logistic regression I have looked up the usual online resources but none  entirely make sense

All help greatly  appreciated


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Re: Equation for multinomial logistic regression

The NOMREG algorithms chapter in the Algorithms doc spells out the formulas in the model.
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Re: Equation for multinomial logistic regression

Hi Jon - thanks for that. Sorry where us this algorithms doc?  

I am hoping for a very simple non stat example of how to write the formula for a given model, based on the info in the coefficients /  parameter estimates table

Thanks for your reply


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Re: Equation for multinomial logistic regression

Bruce Weaver
Help > Documentation in PDF Format


Researchit wrote
Hi Jon - thanks for that. Sorry where us this algorithms doc?  

I am hoping for a very simple non stat example of how to write the formula for a given model, based on the info in the coefficients /  parameter estimates table

Thanks for your reply

Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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