Error spotting in SPSS Syntax Editor

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Error spotting in SPSS Syntax Editor

John F Hall

In a recode command the line:

/IdealRel (-8-8)

- should be =

On another line, a period has crept (or been left) in:

(9999=-99).(9998=-98) but SPSS reports:


Error # 4651 in column 16.  Text: )

The symbol ')' was used on the RECODE command incorrectly.  This symbol must

follow either the replacement value on the right of the equals sign or the

keyword CONVERT.

Execution of this command stops.


That’s what comes of several hours copy/pasting between several different files.  Beginners might not necessarily spot the true cause of such errors.  Is there a facility for reporting errors to enable future improvements in parsing, or do they get reported automatically when SPSS is running?

John F Hall (Mr)

[Retired academic survey researcher]


Email:   [hidden email] 


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Re: Error spotting in SPSS Syntax Editor

John F Hall



You need to send this to the SPSS-X list [hidden email] not to my private email address, but you need to make it very clear what you are trying to do, otherwise no-one will be able to help.



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