Essentials for R

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Essentials for R

Where can we download the Essentials for R for SPSS version 26?
Thank you for your help.
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Re: Essentials for R

Jon Peck
Once  you have installed the appropriate version of R - 3.5 for Statistics 26 - do Extensions > Extension Hub and search for R35.  Once it is installed, it will appear on the Extensions menu, so run that once to establish the connection.

Depending on your computer configuration, you might need to start Statistics in Admin mode to set all this up.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 9:10 AM 3J LEMA <[hidden email]> wrote:
Where can we download the Essentials for R for SPSS version 26?
Thank you for your help.
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Jon K Peck
[hidden email]

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