Expected Impact of Improvement

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Expected Impact of Improvement

Siraj Ur-rehman
Dear Gurus
I have five following questions in my survey

1) Overall Satisfaction (1 to 10 point scale)
2) Satisfaction with Sales (1 to 10 point scale)
3) Satisfaction with Maintenance (1 to 10 point scale)
4) Satisfaction with Implementation (1 to 10 point scale)
5) Satisfaction with Post Sales (1 to 10 point scale)

We are doing analysis based on the client's recoding (1-4 Pain, 5-7
merely satisfied, and 8-10 delighted). Now my client asked me following

A 2% improvement in pain for maintenance, sales experience,
implementation and post sales experience will improve (?) overall % pain

Improvement of pain means reduction of pain by 2% into four process

Early and any help really appreciated. Thanks
