I’ve forwarded your mail-shot to the RSS, the SPSS listserver, the SRMS group of the ASA and the SRA. Andy Field (Sussex) and Julie Pallant (Melbourne, AUS) may also be interested: one of Julie’s early examples was from a survey of maths phobia among students. David Muxworthy did Maths many years ago and will no doubt forward to the BCS.
John F Hall (Mr)
Email: [hidden email]
. .works fine.
Dear All,
Please find below the call for an ESRC 1+3 (or just +3) named studentship project exploring the QM content of A-Level Social Sciences - part sponsored by the WJEC and based at the School of Social Science, Cardiff University as part of the Wales DTC.
I would be very grateful if you could circulate this to interested parties.
Kind Regards,
The studentship is in collaboration with the WJEC (Welsh Joint Education Committee) and will complement two ESRC projects within the school looking into the teaching of quantitative methods. The aim of the studentship is to investigate the quantitative methods content of Social Science subjects at A-Level and to understand the implications of this for degree level Social Science. A particular focus will be on whether students are averse to subjects with numeric (mathematical) content, and if so, whether this aversion continues when students are making decisions about university level study.
Dr Luke Sloan
Lecturer in Quantitative Methods
School of Social Science
Cardiff University
Glamorgan Building
King Edward VII Ave
Cardiff CF10 3WT
E: [hidden email]
T: +44 (0)29 208 70262