First Quarter data for Satisfaction Survey mailing list

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First Quarter data for Satisfaction Survey mailing list

Bob Schacht-3
Today I read in the new Quarterly data set, with 153 variables.

During the conversion from a featureless text file to an SPSS file, SPSS
frequently gave the warning,

"An invalid character was encountered in a field read under an A
format.  In double-byte data such as Japanese, Chinese, or Korean text,
this could be caused by a single character being split between two
fields.  The character will be treated as an exclamation point. "

Unfortunately, i don't have any easy way to figure out which data field was
creating this problem. The "Find" feature of SPSS (ver. 12) only searches
one field at a time. Is there an easy way to get SPSS to search the entire
database for exclamation points?


Robert M. Schacht, Ph.D. <[hidden email]>
Pacific Basin Rehabilitation Research & Training Center
1268 Young Street, Suite #204
Research Center, University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI 96814