Follow-up MANCOVA interaction?

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Follow-up MANCOVA interaction?

jamie canataro
I have a question regarding a MANCOVA interaction and was wondering for some assistance.

  I am performing a 2 X 3 MANCOVA and have received significant results on an interaction.  I am looking to follow-up the significant interaction to determine which of the specific means are statistically different.  Would this require me to create a syntax program? And if so, how can I acquire/create/borrow the syntax.

  Thank you in advance.

  Nicole Canning

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Re: Follow-up MANCOVA interaction?

Dale Glaser this juncture I'm assuming the interaction is with the fixed factors (as opposed to the IV x covariate interaction which tests the homogeneity of regression assumption).......with a significant interaction, you may want to consider a simple effects analysis, and you would need to use the syntax (e.g., in syntax reference guide on GLM) as follows:

  /emmeans = tables (A *B) compare (A) adj (method)

  method can be Sidak or Bonferroni or LSD................


jamie canataro <[hidden email]> wrote:
  I have a question regarding a MANCOVA interaction and was wondering for some assistance.

I am performing a 2 X 3 MANCOVA and have received significant results on an interaction. I am looking to follow-up the significant interaction to determine which of the specific means are statistically different. Would this require me to create a syntax program? And if so, how can I acquire/create/borrow the syntax.

Thank you in advance.

Nicole Canning

Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs.Try it free.

Dale Glaser, Ph.D.
Principal--Glaser Consulting
4003 Goldfinch St, Suite G
San Diego, CA 92103
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