Formatting Titles in Output & AutoFit Tables in Output/Word

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Formatting Titles in Output & AutoFit Tables in Output/Word

Ian Kudel
I have two somewhat urgent needs and would greatly appreciate your assistance.
First, I would like to write syntax for SPSS that would allow me to format the look of my titles in an output window. (I will eventually export into Word.) The formatting would include, Arial Font, Point Size 12, bold, with (if possible) shading around the title text/paragraph.  If shading is not possible, perhaps you can suggest an alternative way of making the title stand out from the rest of the document.
Second, I would like to autofit my output tables to the size of the document window width (6.5 inches – 1 inch margins on left and right in Word).  Is there a way to do this with syntax or another method?
Many thanks!
Ian Kudel