Fw: Re: Comparing regression coefficients in related samples

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Fw: Re: Comparing regression coefficients in related samples

Here is another perspective on the situation:
(1)  In the old BMDP series of stat program, the program "1R" (for
Multiple Linear Regression) allowed one to calculate a regression
equation for the total sample as well as regressions for groups
within the total sample.  An "omnibus" test was conducted to
test whether a common regression equation held for both groups.
If the omnibus test was significant then the groups differed in
either intercepts and/or regression slopes.  One could follow the
procedures suggested by Pedhazur (1997, 3rd Ed; Mult Regr in
Beh Res) in his chapter 14 to determine which slopes differed
and so on.  Pedhazur shows how to do a comparable analysis
in SPSS (see p562-572).  Although SPSS allows one to use the
"Select" subcommand in the Regression procedure (see the
syntax manual, page 1695, for SPSS v18), it only calculates the
regression equation for the selected group (one would have
to do this for both groups).  This might be somewhat simpler
than adding the interaction terms suggested by Gene below.
(2) Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) can also be used if
you access to AMOS, Lisrel, Mplus, or similar software.
In old AMOS manuals (I got started with AMOS v3.6; I haven't
seen recent manuals) you would look at "Simultaneous analyses
of several groups".  The logic is similar to that used in BMDP
but much more flexible.  You would specify a model where all of
the coefficients in the two groups are set equal to each other.
This is comparable to an omnibus test and if the chi-square
for model fit is nonsignificant, then the coefficient for the two
groups are all equal.  If the chi-square is significant, then one
can change the relationship between coefficients in the two
groups from equal to not equal.  Do this one at a time for
coefficient until the model chi-square is nonsignificant. The
final model will identify which coefficients are equal in the
two groups as well as which coefficient are different (if
memory serves).
The SEM approach is probably the way to go because it is
likely that your errors may be correlated with and across
time periods as well as having different variances.  Talking
to an SEM'er with experience with these types of models should
help you develop a strategy for testing the different models.
-Mike Palij
New York University
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Comparing regression coefficients in related samples

One way to do this is through interaction terms. Add the two files together along with a variable indicating which file contributed the case (the IN subcommand is useful here). You have the same model for both files. Systematically add interaction terms between model variables and file indicator variable to the baseline model.
Gene Maguin

From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Baglioni, Tony
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 9:42 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Comparing regression coefficients in related samples



I know this is a bit non-SPSS but I have a simple question.  I have data from 1990 and 2000 census.  I have developed the same model on both sets of data and I’d like to compare the regression coefficients.  I have searched around archives and cannot find an example that matches this exactly.  Any suggestions?





A J Baglioni jr

McIntire School of Commerce

University of Virginia

Rouss & Robertson Halls, East Lawn

P.O. Box 400173

Charlottesville, Va  22904-4173
