Hi all,
I’ve had my first real play with the GENLINMIXED procedure (v19), and hence the Model Viewer style of output, today and have a few questions.
An example of my type of model:
/FIELDS TARGET=BinaryOutcome
/FIXED EFFECTS=period treatment
/EMMEANS TABLES=treatment.
1. How do you set the reference category of a categorical fixed predictor? In the code above ‘treatment’ is coded 0 and 1, and 1 is being used as the reference when I would obviously prefer to use 1. The manual entry for the /FIXED subcommand
makes no mention of a REFERENCE field or similar that I can see.
I’m struggling mightily with the Model Viewer mode of output. I saw a comment that in version 21 it can be disabled and pivot table output generated instead. Unfortunately I do not have access to 21 yet so I’m trying to make do, but I’ve
already started moving this project to SAS to get away from it. Some particular questions:
2. In the Model Viewer I change the display format from ‘Diagram’ to ‘Table’ for every view that provides that as an option. And when I exit the Model Viewer the output displays the view that was last displayed. However, it always displays
the Diagram option of that view, not the Table – even though when I double click to open up the Model Viewer again, it shows the Table view. Is it possible to have the output display the Table of the last selected view after you exit the Model Viewer?
3. Is it possible to have two Model Viewers open/viewable at the same time? Whenever I try to scroll around my output file while a Model Viewer window is open and select another output object, the Model Viewer automatically closes. Combined
with issue 2 above, this means I haven’t worked out how simply view/scroll between the (tabular) output from two models. If I try to open a second Model Viewer, the first one closes. Exporting output or OMS is ridiculous overkill for simply wanting to glance
at two tables of model coefficients say. Has anyone come up with a way around this?
Thanks all. And to everyone who has posted rants against the Model Viewer in the past: you now have my complete and utter sympathy.