General sluggishness of computer "cured" by fix-pack 002 for SPSS 23

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General sluggishness of computer "cured" by fix-pack 002 for SPSS 23

Bruce Weaver
This fall, my laptop computer (running Windoze 7 Professional) started to become quite sluggish generally, and programs were were frequently "not responding".  I was starting to think it might be due to the age of the machine, so ran a bunch of diagnostics and scanned for spyware and other assorted junk, etc.  But yesterday, after I installed FixPack 002" for IBM SPSS (File name:  23.0-IM-S23STATC-WIN32-FP002.EXE) and restarted the machine, it seems to be completely back to normal, cured of sluggishness.  In retrospect, the onset of the general sluggishness was quite sudden, and quite possibly coincided with "upgrading" from SPSS 22 to SPSS 23.  

So, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing, and whether it makes any sense that the "logjam" vulnerability affecting SPSS 23 and Modeler 17 (see could cause general sluggishness and freezing such as I was experiencing.  

Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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