Hi List,
First, I would like to thank everyone for their participation on this list serve and give a special thanks to the ones who continuously answer questions. I haven't asked a question yet, but I save all the emails and have used the answers on numerous occasions when working on my analyses.
Second, I know this is not what this list serve is for, but I feel I know many of you after seeing your names in my email on a daily basis. So, I thought I would ask for your support.
I recently joined TEAM CHALLENGE to run a half marathon to raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. In a nutshell, these are painful, chronic diseases of the digestive track where basically your immune system attacks your intestines. These conditions affect over 1.4 million Americans, including my boyfriend and many of friends (as I have learned through this fundraising process), and I'm sure many of you. Researchers have yet to determine a cause or a cure. These are under-discussed diseases due to there embarrassing symptoms, but this is something I am working to change.
Please see the link below to learn more about Crohn's and Colitis, Team Challenge, and to donate to support research to end these diseases:
Thanks for your time and consideration! And, thanks again for all your help with SPSS! Happy analyzing, and let's cure Crohn's and Colitis!
Deena Isom, MS
Emory University
PhD Student
Department of Sociology