Graph MDS results
Dear William.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but I think you want to plot both row objects AND column objects of a matrix in one and the same graph.
If that is so, this is called unfolding, and you can do that with PREFSCAL in SPSS.
Kind regards,
Frank Busing
Leiden University
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion on behalf of William
Sent: Mon 02-May-11 00:42
To: [hidden email]
Subject: MDS Graphing Cases and Variables
One can graph the results of a multidimensional scaling routine based on
cases or variables. If the two MDS tests are based on the same matrix of
raw data (before transforming into distances), can one graph the results of
the tests on top of one another? If so, would it take rotating one of the
results? I've done some looking and no one seems to comment on this.
Anyone care to? Thanks.
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