Has any one used Google Plus Codes with SPSS?

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Has any one used Google Plus Codes with SPSS?

Art Kendall
It appears that Google Plus Codes could be used as string variables in SPSS.  
Has anybody on the list actually tried this?

Does SPSS plan to use these in its mapping procedures?

I ask because preliminary looking at Open Street maps

may turn out to be useful for human rights NGOs and humanitarian NGOs. In
many less-developed places, there are not house addresses as we are used to.
It may be possible to use PlusCodes as the link between data for analysis in
SPSS with phone apps that use them to get interviewers back to the same
dwelling for follow-up.

Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Re: Has any one used Google Plus Codes with SPSS?

Andy W
In the google geocoding api docs it says you can use the plus code instead of
an address,
so this example I give on my blog would work out of the box,

You can define that function in a BEGIN PROGRAM PYTHON - END PROGRAM, and
then use SPSSINC TRANS. Or do the geocoding all in python.

Note to do geocoding via the google API you need to pay money, although the
free amount you get per month is probably enough for any NGO doing surveys.

Andy W
[hidden email]
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Andy W
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Re: Has any one used Google Plus Codes with SPSS?

Jon Peck
Very cool/

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 4:21 PM Andy W <[hidden email]> wrote:
In the google geocoding api docs it says you can use the plus code instead of
an address,
so this example I give on my blog would work out of the box,

You can define that function in a BEGIN PROGRAM PYTHON - END PROGRAM, and
then use SPSSINC TRANS. Or do the geocoding all in python.

Note to do geocoding via the google API you need to pay money, although the
free amount you get per month is probably enough for any NGO doing surveys.

Andy W
[hidden email]
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Jon K Peck
[hidden email]

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Re: Has any one used Google Plus Codes with SPSS?

Art Kendall
In reply to this post by Andy W
Thank you.

That would be very useful in the USA.  I'll keep it in mind.

Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
Sent from: http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/

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Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants