Has anybody written Python to make example syntax more visually consistent within itself?

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Has anybody written Python to make example syntax more visually consistent within itself?

Art Kendall
In order to have example syntax be more consistent has anybody put together a Python procedure that would
1) make a list of all word strings that are outside comments or labels.
2) allow a user to specify which casing to use for each (radio buttons?)
-- all CAPS
-- Initial Caps
-- all lower
-- CamelCode

for example there would be a row for each word string with  4 radio buttons for CAPS, Caps,  lower, and CamelCode.
When CamelCode was chosen the person editing the syntax would chose one of the patterns that occurred, or could specify a particular spelling.

If DateofBirth, DateOfBirth, dateofBirth, dateofbirth all occur in the syntax, and the person editing  clicked CamelCode, (s)he could choose one that occurred or type the wanted version in an edit box.
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants