Dear all brilliant members,
I am a new analyzing thesis data. Im conducting a survey about people's behavior intention, but i came into a serious problem and i couldnt figure out where goes wrong though i tried other way test it again. I need your valuable opinion and kind help walking through this most difficult part for me.
SPSS briefly reslut:
Proposed model: Factor 1-8, 8 independent variables, Factor 9-11, 3 dependent variables. (number of measurement items in brace)
Factor 1 (3) Factor 6 (3) Factor 9 (2)
Factor 2 (4)
Factor 3 (5) Factor 7 (5) Factor 10 (3)
Factor 4 (4)
Factor 5 (4) Factor 8 (4) Factor 11 (2)
1.Sample Collecting: Convenience sampling is adopted as a method collecting questionnaires.82 valid questionnaires are received.
2. Reliability test: Factor 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11 which Cronbach' α > 0.8 are maintained, factor 1,9 which Cronbach'α around 0.6 are deleted.
3. Validity test: Measurement items which factor loading below 0.5 are not invovled. Besides, measurment item which has two valid value which above 0.5 is deleted.So 1 measurement items in Factor 3 is deleted and two measurement items in Factor 7 are deleted. After rotated SPSS again, all factor loading is above 0.5, but Factor 2 stays one factor, Factor 3,4,5 reducted a new one, Factor 6,7 reducted a new one, Factor 8 stays and Factor 9,10,11 reducted a new one. KMO and bartlett value all above 0.8.
4. Correlation test: All factor relations at 0.01 significance level under Bivariate Correlation test.
AMOS test:
Modified model: Factor 1-4, 4 independent variables, Factor 5, 1 dependent variables. (number of measurement items in brace)
New Factor 1 (4) Factor 3 (6) Factor 5 (5)
New Factor 2 (12) Factor 4 (4)
Notes for model:
Minimum was achieved,
Degrees of freedom=431
Probability level=.000
!!! The result in SPSS test is kind of ok, but why the test in AMOS all the fitting index are failed to meet the standardized level?! It has no relation with the size of my questionnaire. It gives almost the same result or even bit worse result when i doubled the number of my questionnaire. Also the proposed model is supported by previous study. I couldnt get where goes the problem what makes the modified model doesnt fit the test in AMOS. Any one could give a reasonable answer or suggestion that i could looking for the possible problem!! Thanks a lot for your time and patient!