Help with Dissertation SPSS

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Help with Dissertation SPSS

My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.

2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to rate
the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days, 2 =
1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This is
done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.

I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs are
not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV and computed
with target variable splitting up the aggressive questions and the prosocial
questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the score comes up to 80, 103, 76 etc.

Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.

Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood why.

I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I hope
the way I have totaled my DVs were right.

The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between subjects
ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent, non-violent,

I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two things
as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not categorical. At least
that's what i understand from it

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Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

Garry Gelade
How many subjects do you have? And what is/are your research questions? Eg
Frequency of playing any type of game affects aggressive & prosocial
behaviours? Or Frequency of playing violent games affects these behaviours?
Or both?

Sticking with the regression for the moment, if I have understood your data,
in the first case, your IV could be the total frequency score for all games.
In the second case you could total the frequency ratings for each type of
game, giving you 3 IVs.


-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Sent: 12 August 2011 14:17
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Help with Dissertation SPSS

My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.

2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to rate
the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days, 2 =
1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This is
done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.

I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs are
not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV and computed
with target variable splitting up the aggressive questions and the prosocial
questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the score comes up to 80, 103, 76 etc.

Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.

Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood why.

I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I hope
the way I have totaled my DVs were right.

The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between subjects
ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent, non-violent,

I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two things
as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not categorical. At least
that's what i understand from it

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Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

Sonia Brandon-2
Your IV regarding the number of days is most definitely nominal, so you shouldn't use regression, especially on something for a dissertation.  If you had asked for the actual number of days, it would be ratio, and then regression would be more appropriate.  On your DVs, what are the response values?  Is it a true scale or a Likert scale - or is it yes/no response?  Just guessing, it sounds like you may have multiple interval DVs, and with Categorical IVs (type of game and frequency category), you may want to take a look at MANOVA as the appropriate technique.
Sonia Brandon, Ph.D.
Director, Institutional Research
Colorado Mesa University
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction, CO  81501
phone: (970) 248-1884
fax:  (970) 248-1812
email: [hidden email]
>>> Garry Gelade <[hidden email]> 8/12/2011 11:46 AM >>>
How many subjects do you have? And what is/are your research questions? Eg
Frequency of playing any type of game affects aggressive & prosocial
behaviours? Or Frequency of playing violent games affects these behaviours?
Or both?

Sticking with the regression for the moment, if I have understood your data,
in the first case, your IV could be the total frequency score for all games.
In the second case you could total the frequency ratings for each type of
game, giving you 3 IVs.


-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Sent: 12 August 2011 14:17
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Help with Dissertation SPSS

My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.

2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to rate
the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days, 2 =
1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This is
done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.

I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs are
not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV and computed
with target variable splitting up the aggressive questions and the prosocial
questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the score comes up to 80, 103, 76 etc.

Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.

Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood why.

I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I hope
the way I have totaled my DVs were right.

The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between subjects
ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent, non-violent,

I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two things
as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not categorical. At least
that's what i understand from it

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Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

Bruce Weaver
Hi Sonia.  The "days" variable is:  1 = no days, 2 = 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days.  I would describe that as ordered categories, not nominal.  But in either case, categorical variable like this certainly can be used in regression models, but one has to compute k-1 indicator variables to do so (where k = the number of categories).  A DO-REPEAT is a nice way to do that.  E.g.,

do repeat f = f1 to f5 / # = 1 to 5.
- compute f = (days EQ #).
end repeat.

Then use 4 of the 5 f-variables to code for frequency of play.  The omitted 5th f-variable will be the reference category for the t-tests you see in the table of regression coefficients.  Using 4 of the 5 indicators for "days" this way in REGRESSION gives exactly the same result you get by treating the original "days" variable (with 5 categories) as a fixed factor with UNIANOVA.  (Make up an example and give it a try.)

p.s. - I'll save Jon the trouble of adding that there is a Python-based method for computing indicator variables too.  Most of the people I know locally do not have Python installed, however, and I'll bet many of them have never even heard of it.  So I like sticking to native SPSS code when possible.  ;-)


Sonia Brandon-2 wrote
Your IV regarding the number of days is most definitely nominal, so you shouldn't use regression, especially on something for a dissertation.  If you had asked for the actual number of days, it would be ratio, and then regression would be more appropriate.  On your DVs, what are the response values?  Is it a true scale or a Likert scale - or is it yes/no response?  Just guessing, it sounds like you may have multiple interval DVs, and with Categorical IVs (type of game and frequency category), you may want to take a look at MANOVA as the appropriate technique.
Sonia Brandon, Ph.D.
Director, Institutional Research
Colorado Mesa University
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction, CO  81501
phone: (970) 248-1884
fax:  (970) 248-1812
email: [hidden email]
>>> Garry Gelade <[hidden email]> 8/12/2011 11:46 AM >>>
How many subjects do you have? And what is/are your research questions? Eg
Frequency of playing any type of game affects aggressive & prosocial
behaviours? Or Frequency of playing violent games affects these behaviours?
Or both?

Sticking with the regression for the moment, if I have understood your data,
in the first case, your IV could be the total frequency score for all games.
In the second case you could total the frequency ratings for each type of
game, giving you 3 IVs.


-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Sent: 12 August 2011 14:17
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Help with Dissertation SPSS

My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.

2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to rate
the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days, 2 =
1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This is
done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.

I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs are
not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV and computed
with target variable splitting up the aggressive questions and the prosocial
questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the score comes up to 80, 103, 76 etc.

Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.

Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood why.

I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I hope
the way I have totaled my DVs were right.

The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between subjects
ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent, non-violent,

I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two things
as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not categorical. At least
that's what i understand from it

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[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

I'm sorry Bruce but I don't understand your explanation, the research
was meant to be an easy one but it would appear that the surveys i
used has made it complicated. My aim is to measure the effects of
video games on prosocial behavior. My hypothesis are video games will
increase prosocial behavior, and video games will not increase violent
behavior. In my proposal that was approved, i stated that I'm using 1
IV which is types of games (Violent, non-violent, neutral) and 1 DV
prosocial behavior and that the design will be a one-way between
subjects ANOVA. Is there a way to still do it like the way i proposed?

P.S. I'm not sure how to send a reply, I'm sending one to all your
emails and also to SPSSX-L hope you guys receive it.

On 8/13/11, Bruce Weaver <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Sonia.  The "days" variable is:  1 = no days, 2 = 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10
> days,
> 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days.  I would describe that as ordered
> categories, not nominal.  But in either case, categorical variable like this
> certainly *can* be used in regression models, but one has to compute k-1
> indicator variables to do so (where k = the number of categories).  A
> DO-REPEAT is a nice way to do that.  E.g.,
> do repeat f = f1 to f5 / # = 1 to 5.
> - compute f = (days EQ #).
> end repeat.
> Then use 4 of the 5 f-variables to code for frequency of play.  The omitted
> 5th f-variable will be the reference category for the t-tests you see in the
> table of regression coefficients.  Using 4 of the 5 indicators for "days"
> this way in REGRESSION gives exactly the same result you get by treating the
> original "days" variable (with 5 categories) as a fixed factor with
> UNIANOVA.  (Make up an example and give it a try.)
> p.s. - I'll save Jon the trouble of adding that there is a Python-based
> method for computing indicator variables too.  Most of the people I know
> locally do not have Python installed, however, and I'll bet many of them
> have never even heard of it.  So I like sticking to native SPSS code when
> possible.  ;-)
> HTH.
> Sonia Brandon-2 wrote:
>> Your IV regarding the number of days is most definitely nominal, so you
>> shouldn't use regression, especially on something for a dissertation.  If
>> you had asked for the actual number of days, it would be ratio, and then
>> regression would be more appropriate.  On your DVs, what are the response
>> values?  Is it a true scale or a Likert scale - or is it yes/no response?
>> Just guessing, it sounds like you may have multiple interval DVs, and with
>> Categorical IVs (type of game and frequency category), you may want to
>> take a look at MANOVA as the appropriate technique.
>> Sonia Brandon, Ph.D.
>> Director, Institutional Research
>> Colorado Mesa University
>> 1100 North Avenue
>> Grand Junction, CO  81501
>> phone: (970) 248-1884
>> fax:  (970) 248-1812
>> email: [hidden email]
>>>>> Garry Gelade &lt;[hidden email]&gt; 8/12/2011 11:46 AM
>>>>> >>>
>> How many subjects do you have? And what is/are your research questions? Eg
>> Frequency of playing any type of game affects aggressive & prosocial
>> behaviours? Or Frequency of playing violent games affects these
>> behaviours?
>> Or both?
>> Sticking with the regression for the moment, if I have understood your
>> data,
>> in the first case, your IV could be the total frequency score for all
>> games.
>> In the second case you could total the frequency ratings for each type of
>> game, giving you 3 IVs.
>> Garry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
>> Muralli
>> Sent: 12 August 2011 14:17
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: Help with Dissertation SPSS
>> My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.
>> 2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
>> questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
>> IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to
>> rate
>> the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days, 2
>> =
>> 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This is
>> done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
>> first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
>> groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.
>> I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs are
>> not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV and
>> computed
>> with target variable splitting up the aggressive questions and the
>> prosocial
>> questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the score comes up to 80, 103, 76
>> etc.
>> Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
>> frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.
>> Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood why.
>> I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I hope
>> the way I have totaled my DVs were right.
>> The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between
>> subjects
>> ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent, non-violent,
>> neutral).
>> I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two
>> things
>> as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not categorical. At
>> least
>> that's what i understand from it
>> =====================
>> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
>> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
>> command. To leave the list, send the command
>> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
>> =====================
>> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
>> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
>> command. To leave the list, send the command
>> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
> -----
> --
> Bruce Weaver
> [hidden email]
> "When all else fails, RTFM."
> NOTE: My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly.
> To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
> command. To leave the list, send the command
> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

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[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
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Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

Bruce Weaver
Hello Muralli.  I was just reacting to Sonia's statement that one cannot have categorical explanatory variables in regression models, and did not attempt or intend to address all of the questions in your original post.  It seemed to me when I read your post that you were asking questions that cannot easily be addressed with the exchange of a few messages on this list.  (Others may disagree, of course.)  Here are some questions for you.

1. What discipline are you in?  (I would guess psychology from the content.)  And what degree are you working on (i.e., undergrad, masters, PhD)?

2. How many stats courses have you taken, and at what level?  Were ANOVA, regression & linear models covered?

3. Have you asked your supervisor (or other committee members) for guidance?

4. Have you asked your stats instructor(s) for help?

5. Is there a statistical consulting service at your school/college/university?  

What I am driving at is that I think you would benefit from meeting with someone local.


Muralli wrote
I'm sorry Bruce but I don't understand your explanation, the research
was meant to be an easy one but it would appear that the surveys i
used has made it complicated. My aim is to measure the effects of
video games on prosocial behavior. My hypothesis are video games will
increase prosocial behavior, and video games will not increase violent
behavior. In my proposal that was approved, i stated that I'm using 1
IV which is types of games (Violent, non-violent, neutral) and 1 DV
prosocial behavior and that the design will be a one-way between
subjects ANOVA. Is there a way to still do it like the way i proposed?

P.S. I'm not sure how to send a reply, I'm sending one to all your
emails and also to SPSSX-L hope you guys receive it.

On 8/13/11, Bruce Weaver <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Sonia.  The "days" variable is:  1 = no days, 2 = 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10
> days,
> 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days.  I would describe that as ordered
> categories, not nominal.  But in either case, categorical variable like this
> certainly *can* be used in regression models, but one has to compute k-1
> indicator variables to do so (where k = the number of categories).  A
> DO-REPEAT is a nice way to do that.  E.g.,
> do repeat f = f1 to f5 / # = 1 to 5.
> - compute f = (days EQ #).
> end repeat.
> Then use 4 of the 5 f-variables to code for frequency of play.  The omitted
> 5th f-variable will be the reference category for the t-tests you see in the
> table of regression coefficients.  Using 4 of the 5 indicators for "days"
> this way in REGRESSION gives exactly the same result you get by treating the
> original "days" variable (with 5 categories) as a fixed factor with
> UNIANOVA.  (Make up an example and give it a try.)
> p.s. - I'll save Jon the trouble of adding that there is a Python-based
> method for computing indicator variables too.  Most of the people I know
> locally do not have Python installed, however, and I'll bet many of them
> have never even heard of it.  So I like sticking to native SPSS code when
> possible.  ;-)
> HTH.
> Sonia Brandon-2 wrote:
>> Your IV regarding the number of days is most definitely nominal, so you
>> shouldn't use regression, especially on something for a dissertation.  If
>> you had asked for the actual number of days, it would be ratio, and then
>> regression would be more appropriate.  On your DVs, what are the response
>> values?  Is it a true scale or a Likert scale - or is it yes/no response?
>> Just guessing, it sounds like you may have multiple interval DVs, and with
>> Categorical IVs (type of game and frequency category), you may want to
>> take a look at MANOVA as the appropriate technique.
>> Sonia Brandon, Ph.D.
>> Director, Institutional Research
>> Colorado Mesa University
>> 1100 North Avenue
>> Grand Junction, CO  81501
>> phone: (970) 248-1884
>> fax:  (970) 248-1812
>> email: [hidden email]
>>>>> Garry Gelade <[hidden email]> 8/12/2011 11:46 AM
>>>>> >>>
>> How many subjects do you have? And what is/are your research questions? Eg
>> Frequency of playing any type of game affects aggressive & prosocial
>> behaviours? Or Frequency of playing violent games affects these
>> behaviours?
>> Or both?
>> Sticking with the regression for the moment, if I have understood your
>> data,
>> in the first case, your IV could be the total frequency score for all
>> games.
>> In the second case you could total the frequency ratings for each type of
>> game, giving you 3 IVs.
>> Garry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
>> Muralli
>> Sent: 12 August 2011 14:17
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: Help with Dissertation SPSS
>> My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.
>> 2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
>> questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
>> IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to
>> rate
>> the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days, 2
>> =
>> 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This is
>> done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
>> first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
>> groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.
>> I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs are
>> not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV and
>> computed
>> with target variable splitting up the aggressive questions and the
>> prosocial
>> questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the score comes up to 80, 103, 76
>> etc.
>> Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
>> frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.
>> Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood why.
>> I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I hope
>> the way I have totaled my DVs were right.
>> The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between
>> subjects
>> ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent, non-violent,
>> neutral).
>> I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two
>> things
>> as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not categorical. At
>> least
>> that's what i understand from it
>> =====================
>> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
>> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
>> command. To leave the list, send the command
>> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
>> =====================
>> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
>> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
>> command. To leave the list, send the command
>> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
> -----
> --
> Bruce Weaver
> [hidden email]
> "When all else fails, RTFM."
> NOTE: My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly.
> To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
> command. To leave the list, send the command
> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

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[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

In reply to this post by Muralli
Hi Muralli,
        Let me see if I understand your design correctly. You have 8 games that have been classified into 3 video game types: violent, non-violent, and neutral.
Participants indicate on a survey how much time they spend on each video game (8 responses, one for each game).

To create the IV categories for a oneway ANOVA [brute force] you could compute the mean playing time for each video game type, then classify the participant according to the largest mean.

What follows is pseudo code:

DO IF (Violent > Nonviolent).
COMPUTE group = 1.
ELSE IF (Violent < Nonviolent).
COMPUTE group = 2.
ELSE IF (Violent = Nonviolent).*
COMPUTE group = 3.

VALUE LABELS group 1'Violent' 2 'Nonviolent' 3 'Neutral' .

*You can define what constitutes a no difference.
** If it doesn't fit the participant get a sysmis.

ONEWAY aggression, prosocial BY group

This is definitely not a good solution: it chops and slices the data.  Another problem is that it creates an unbalanced design.

Regards, Steve

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Muralli Sakthi Thasan
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 4:41 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

I'm sorry Bruce but I don't understand your explanation, the research was meant to be an easy one but it would appear that the surveys i used has made it complicated. My aim is to measure the effects of video games on prosocial behavior. My hypothesis are video games will increase prosocial behavior, and video games will not increase violent behavior. In my proposal that was approved, i stated that I'm using 1 IV which is types of games (Violent, non-violent, neutral) and 1 DV prosocial behavior and that the design will be a one-way between subjects ANOVA. Is there a way to still do it like the way i proposed?

P.S. I'm not sure how to send a reply, I'm sending one to all your emails and also to SPSSX-L hope you guys receive it.

On 8/13/11, Bruce Weaver <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Sonia.  The "days" variable is:  1 = no days, 2 = 1-5 days, 3 =
> 6-10 days,
> 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days.  I would describe that as
> ordered categories, not nominal.  But in either case, categorical
> variable like this certainly *can* be used in regression models, but
> one has to compute k-1 indicator variables to do so (where k = the
> number of categories).  A DO-REPEAT is a nice way to do that.  E.g.,
> do repeat f = f1 to f5 / # = 1 to 5.
> - compute f = (days EQ #).
> end repeat.
> Then use 4 of the 5 f-variables to code for frequency of play.  The
> omitted 5th f-variable will be the reference category for the t-tests
> you see in the table of regression coefficients.  Using 4 of the 5 indicators for "days"
> this way in REGRESSION gives exactly the same result you get by
> treating the original "days" variable (with 5 categories) as a fixed
> factor with UNIANOVA.  (Make up an example and give it a try.)
> p.s. - I'll save Jon the trouble of adding that there is a
> Python-based method for computing indicator variables too.  Most of
> the people I know locally do not have Python installed, however, and
> I'll bet many of them have never even heard of it.  So I like sticking
> to native SPSS code when possible.  ;-)
> HTH.
> Sonia Brandon-2 wrote:
>> Your IV regarding the number of days is most definitely nominal, so
>> you shouldn't use regression, especially on something for a
>> dissertation.  If you had asked for the actual number of days, it
>> would be ratio, and then regression would be more appropriate.  On
>> your DVs, what are the response values?  Is it a true scale or a Likert scale - or is it yes/no response?
>> Just guessing, it sounds like you may have multiple interval DVs, and
>> with Categorical IVs (type of game and frequency category), you may
>> want to take a look at MANOVA as the appropriate technique.
>> Sonia Brandon, Ph.D.
>> Director, Institutional Research
>> Colorado Mesa University
>> 1100 North Avenue
>> Grand Junction, CO  81501
>> phone: (970) 248-1884
>> fax:  (970) 248-1812
>> email: [hidden email]
>>>>> Garry Gelade &lt;[hidden email]&gt; 8/12/2011 11:46
>>>>> AM
>>>>> >>>
>> How many subjects do you have? And what is/are your research
>> questions? Eg Frequency of playing any type of game affects
>> aggressive & prosocial behaviours? Or Frequency of playing violent
>> games affects these behaviours?
>> Or both?
>> Sticking with the regression for the moment, if I have understood
>> your data, in the first case, your IV could be the total frequency
>> score for all games.
>> In the second case you could total the frequency ratings for each
>> type of game, giving you 3 IVs.
>> Garry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
>> Of Muralli
>> Sent: 12 August 2011 14:17
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: Help with Dissertation SPSS
>> My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.
>> 2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
>> questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial) IV = I used a video game
>> questionnaire where participants are asked to rate the frequency of
>> gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days, 2 =
>> 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This
>> is done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and
>> fight, first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided
>> into 3 groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.
>> I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs
>> are not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV
>> and computed with target variable splitting up the aggressive
>> questions and the prosocial questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the
>> score comes up to 80, 103, 76 etc.
>> Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
>> frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.
>> Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood why.
>> I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I
>> hope the way I have totaled my DVs were right.
>> The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between
>> subjects ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent,
>> non-violent, neutral).
>> I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two
>> things as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not
>> categorical. At least that's what i understand from it
>> =====================
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>> a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO
> -----
> --
> Bruce Weaver
> [hidden email]
> "When all else fails, RTFM."
> NOTE: My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly.
> To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
> --
> View this message in context:
> PSS-tp4693273p4694460.html Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list
> archive at
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> list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO

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Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

In reply to this post by Bruce Weaver
To add to Bruce's comments:

It seems to me that there is a confusion about what your independent
variable is.  If one goes back to the OP's original post, one finds:

>My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.
>2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
>questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
>IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to
>rate the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days,
>2 = 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This is
>done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
>first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
>groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.

Is your independent variable (a) number of days spent playing video
games or (b) type of video game playes (i.e., violent, non-violent,
and neutral)?

You seem to indicate that (b) is the answer given what you said earlier:

>The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between
>subjects ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent,
>non-violent, neutral).

If this is correct, what is the role for "number of days in past month playing
games"?  I would assume that people who played violent video games most
often in the past month would go into the "violent video game" group,
those who spent most of the past month playing "nonviolent video games"
would go into the "nonviolent video game group", and those who spent
most of the time playing neutral games were put into the "neutral video
game group".

Is my interpretation correct?  If so, then go do a one-way ANOVA
with type of video game (played most often in the past month) as the
between subject factor and the two scores from your questionnaire
(i.e., measure of (i) prosocial behavior and (ii) aggressive behavior).

If my interpretation is incorrect, then identify how so.

I think that the focus on number of days a game is played is misplaced,
if my assessment above is right.

In any case, even with three level "Type of Video Game" between-subject
factor, one could also do a regression analysis where the three groups
are coded into two predictors, following Bruce's suggestion.

-Mike Palij
New York University
[hidden email]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Weaver" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

> Hello Muralli.  I was just reacting to Sonia's statement that one cannot have
> categorical explanatory variables in regression models, and did not attempt
> or intend to address all of the questions in your original post.  It seemed
> to me when I read your post that you were asking questions that cannot
> easily be addressed with the exchange of a few messages on this list.
> (Others may disagree, of course.)  Here are some questions for you.
> 1. What discipline are you in?  (I would guess psychology from the content.)
> And what degree are you working on (i.e., undergrad, masters, PhD)?
> 2. How many stats courses have you taken, and at what level?  Were ANOVA,
> regression & linear models covered?
> 3. Have you asked your supervisor (or other committee members) for guidance?
> 4. Have you asked your stats instructor(s) for help?
> 5. Is there a statistical consulting service at your
> school/college/university?
> What I am driving at is that I think you would benefit from meeting with
> someone local.
> HTH.
> Muralli wrote:
>> I'm sorry Bruce but I don't understand your explanation, the research
>> was meant to be an easy one but it would appear that the surveys i
>> used has made it complicated. My aim is to measure the effects of
>> video games on prosocial behavior. My hypothesis are video games will
>> increase prosocial behavior, and video games will not increase violent
>> behavior. In my proposal that was approved, i stated that I'm using 1
>> IV which is types of games (Violent, non-violent, neutral) and 1 DV
>> prosocial behavior and that the design will be a one-way between
>> subjects ANOVA. Is there a way to still do it like the way i proposed?
>> P.S. I'm not sure how to send a reply, I'm sending one to all your
>> emails and also to SPSSX-L hope you guys receive it.
>> On 8/13/11, Bruce Weaver &lt;[hidden email]&gt; wrote:
>>> Hi Sonia.  The "days" variable is:  1 = no days, 2 = 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10
>>> days,
>>> 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days.  I would describe that as ordered
>>> categories, not nominal.  But in either case, categorical variable like
>>> this
>>> certainly *can* be used in regression models, but one has to compute k-1
>>> indicator variables to do so (where k = the number of categories).  A
>>> DO-REPEAT is a nice way to do that.  E.g.,
>>> do repeat f = f1 to f5 / # = 1 to 5.
>>> - compute f = (days EQ #).
>>> end repeat.
>>> Then use 4 of the 5 f-variables to code for frequency of play.  The
>>> omitted
>>> 5th f-variable will be the reference category for the t-tests you see in
>>> the
>>> table of regression coefficients.  Using 4 of the 5 indicators for "days"
>>> this way in REGRESSION gives exactly the same result you get by treating
>>> the
>>> original "days" variable (with 5 categories) as a fixed factor with
>>> UNIANOVA.  (Make up an example and give it a try.)
>>> p.s. - I'll save Jon the trouble of adding that there is a Python-based
>>> method for computing indicator variables too.  Most of the people I know
>>> locally do not have Python installed, however, and I'll bet many of them
>>> have never even heard of it.  So I like sticking to native SPSS code when
>>> possible.  ;-)
>>> HTH.
>>> Sonia Brandon-2 wrote:
>>>> Your IV regarding the number of days is most definitely nominal, so you
>>>> shouldn't use regression, especially on something for a dissertation.
>>>> If
>>>> you had asked for the actual number of days, it would be ratio, and then
>>>> regression would be more appropriate.  On your DVs, what are the
>>>> response
>>>> values?  Is it a true scale or a Likert scale - or is it yes/no
>>>> response?
>>>> Just guessing, it sounds like you may have multiple interval DVs, and
>>>> with
>>>> Categorical IVs (type of game and frequency category), you may want to
>>>> take a look at MANOVA as the appropriate technique.
>>>> Sonia Brandon, Ph.D.
>>>> Director, Institutional Research
>>>> Colorado Mesa University
>>>> 1100 North Avenue
>>>> Grand Junction, CO  81501
>>>> phone: (970) 248-1884
>>>> fax:  (970) 248-1812
>>>> email: [hidden email]
>>>>>>> Garry Gelade &lt;[hidden email]&gt; 8/12/2011 11:46 AM
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>> How many subjects do you have? And what is/are your research questions?
>>>> Eg
>>>> Frequency of playing any type of game affects aggressive & prosocial
>>>> behaviours? Or Frequency of playing violent games affects these
>>>> behaviours?
>>>> Or both?
>>>> Sticking with the regression for the moment, if I have understood your
>>>> data,
>>>> in the first case, your IV could be the total frequency score for all
>>>> games.
>>>> In the second case you could total the frequency ratings for each type
>>>> of
>>>> game, giving you 3 IVs.
>>>> Garry
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
>>>> Muralli
>>>> Sent: 12 August 2011 14:17
>>>> To: [hidden email]
>>>> Subject: Help with Dissertation SPSS
>>>> My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.
>>>> 2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
>>>> questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
>>>> IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to
>>>> rate
>>>> the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days,
>>>> 2
>>>> =
>>>> 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This is
>>>> done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
>>>> first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
>>>> groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.
>>>> I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs
>>>> are
>>>> not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV and
>>>> computed
>>>> with target variable splitting up the aggressive questions and the
>>>> prosocial
>>>> questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the score comes up to 80, 103, 76
>>>> etc.
>>>> Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
>>>> frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.
>>>> Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood why.
>>>> I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I
>>>> hope
>>>> the way I have totaled my DVs were right.
>>>> The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between
>>>> subjects
>>>> ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent, non-violent,
>>>> neutral).
>>>> I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two
>>>> things
>>>> as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not categorical. At
>>>> least
>>>> that's what i understand from it

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[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
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For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
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Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS

To answer Bruce:

1. I'm an undergrad psychology student.

2. I was away from college for about a year and a half, and a year
prior to that is when I learned quantitative methods, which had ANOVA,
etc. I can hardly remember anything from it,

3. This was what I submitted in my thesis 1 (proposal), thus I thought
it would be fine. I had already written my thesis 2 without the
discussion and results. I collected my last few surveys last week, and
started studying spss, which i wasted a lot of time reading up on
irrelevant things people told me to read. It wasn't until a few days
ago, when I realize my survey might be flawed, and I was too afraid to
meet my supervisor as it is already due on Monday, I'm just going to
try to do my best, and hope for the best.

4 + 5. If i had gone to the to the lecturer that thought stats she
would have told me to go see my supervisor, who is not the best at
stats also. There is no one assigned to help use with these, like a
tutor or a consulting service.

I have found some people who offer services locally, I will be trying
to met up with them today. I agree with you about not much can be
solved through this medium, since this really requires a more face to
face approach. But I must try to get answers from any source that is

Steve, Bruce's point is further reinforced here, there is already so
many questions I have regarding your reply. I don't really know my way
around SPSS, I know only the basics, really basic, like how to reverse
code, how to compute into target variable, etc.

Mike, you are exactly right, and that is the biggest mistake I made,
which was to add the time factor. I should have just made participants
choose one type of game they played most in the past month. That would
have made it so much easier. Unfortunately, I had only discovered my
mistake after collecting my samples. Your interpretation is what I am
trying to do with what I have now. I'm still unsure how to code my IV
and DV. Let me explain:

If you read my first post you would see what I did when trying the
multiple regression, I compared the Behavior scores which were like
100, 77, 92, to the Video games, which were divided into 8 games with
one score for each (6, 3, 2, etc). For the Behavior scores i compiled
the scores of all the questions, which led it to be 100, etc. My point
is, there are 3 violent games, 3 non-violent, 2 neutral, so by making
it categorical like you said, putting participants in the group which
they played the most, I'll be combining 3 Violent scores, etc. and
I'll be getting a score of 15, 12, 19, etc instead of 6, 3, 2, etc.
which would still yield highly insignificant results, due to the gap
when compared to the behavior scores? am I right? at least that's what
I understand from it.

For my DV, the prosocial behavior questionnaire, has 38 items (23
Pro/15 Agg). Thus, what I did when I tried the regression is, I
separated the two into two different variables and combined the scores
for Pro into one, and Agg into one. I know I can run two separate
ANOVAs to test the effect on Pro for one, Agg on the other. But, in my
proposal, I've stated that there's only 1 DV Prosocial Behavior. Can I
do this with one IV, perhaps through reverse coding? I will need to
measure aggression in someway, because one of my hypothesis is that
video games will not increase violent behavior.

I apologize for the length, but I wanted to be thorough

On 8/13/11, Mike Palij <[hidden email]> wrote:

> To add to Bruce's comments:
> It seems to me that there is a confusion about what your independent
> variable is.  If one goes back to the OP's original post, one finds:
>>My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.
>>2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
>>questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
>>IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to
>>rate the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no
>> days,
>>2 = 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This
>> is
>>done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
>>first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
>>groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.
> Is your independent variable (a) number of days spent playing video
> games or (b) type of video game playes (i.e., violent, non-violent,
> and neutral)?
> You seem to indicate that (b) is the answer given what you said earlier:
>>The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between
>>subjects ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent,
>>non-violent, neutral).
> If this is correct, what is the role for "number of days in past month
> playing
> games"?  I would assume that people who played violent video games most
> often in the past month would go into the "violent video game" group,
> those who spent most of the past month playing "nonviolent video games"
> would go into the "nonviolent video game group", and those who spent
> most of the time playing neutral games were put into the "neutral video
> game group".
> Is my interpretation correct?  If so, then go do a one-way ANOVA
> with type of video game (played most often in the past month) as the
> between subject factor and the two scores from your questionnaire
> (i.e., measure of (i) prosocial behavior and (ii) aggressive behavior).
> If my interpretation is incorrect, then identify how so.
> I think that the focus on number of days a game is played is misplaced,
> if my assessment above is right.
> In any case, even with three level "Type of Video Game" between-subject
> factor, one could also do a regression analysis where the three groups
> are coded into two predictors, following Bruce's suggestion.
> -Mike Palij
> New York University
> [hidden email]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bruce Weaver" <[hidden email]>
> To: <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 5:43 PM
> Subject: Re: Help with Dissertation SPSS
>> Hello Muralli.  I was just reacting to Sonia's statement that one cannot
>> have
>> categorical explanatory variables in regression models, and did not
>> attempt
>> or intend to address all of the questions in your original post.  It
>> seemed
>> to me when I read your post that you were asking questions that cannot
>> easily be addressed with the exchange of a few messages on this list.
>> (Others may disagree, of course.)  Here are some questions for you.
>> 1. What discipline are you in?  (I would guess psychology from the
>> content.)
>> And what degree are you working on (i.e., undergrad, masters, PhD)?
>> 2. How many stats courses have you taken, and at what level?  Were ANOVA,
>> regression & linear models covered?
>> 3. Have you asked your supervisor (or other committee members) for
>> guidance?
>> 4. Have you asked your stats instructor(s) for help?
>> 5. Is there a statistical consulting service at your
>> school/college/university?
>> What I am driving at is that I think you would benefit from meeting with
>> someone local.
>> HTH.
>> Muralli wrote:
>>> I'm sorry Bruce but I don't understand your explanation, the research
>>> was meant to be an easy one but it would appear that the surveys i
>>> used has made it complicated. My aim is to measure the effects of
>>> video games on prosocial behavior. My hypothesis are video games will
>>> increase prosocial behavior, and video games will not increase violent
>>> behavior. In my proposal that was approved, i stated that I'm using 1
>>> IV which is types of games (Violent, non-violent, neutral) and 1 DV
>>> prosocial behavior and that the design will be a one-way between
>>> subjects ANOVA. Is there a way to still do it like the way i proposed?
>>> P.S. I'm not sure how to send a reply, I'm sending one to all your
>>> emails and also to SPSSX-L hope you guys receive it.
>>> On 8/13/11, Bruce Weaver &lt;[hidden email]&gt; wrote:
>>>> Hi Sonia.  The "days" variable is:  1 = no days, 2 = 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10
>>>> days,
>>>> 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days.  I would describe that as ordered
>>>> categories, not nominal.  But in either case, categorical variable like
>>>> this
>>>> certainly *can* be used in regression models, but one has to compute k-1
>>>> indicator variables to do so (where k = the number of categories).  A
>>>> DO-REPEAT is a nice way to do that.  E.g.,
>>>> do repeat f = f1 to f5 / # = 1 to 5.
>>>> - compute f = (days EQ #).
>>>> end repeat.
>>>> Then use 4 of the 5 f-variables to code for frequency of play.  The
>>>> omitted
>>>> 5th f-variable will be the reference category for the t-tests you see in
>>>> the
>>>> table of regression coefficients.  Using 4 of the 5 indicators for
>>>> "days"
>>>> this way in REGRESSION gives exactly the same result you get by treating
>>>> the
>>>> original "days" variable (with 5 categories) as a fixed factor with
>>>> UNIANOVA.  (Make up an example and give it a try.)
>>>> p.s. - I'll save Jon the trouble of adding that there is a Python-based
>>>> method for computing indicator variables too.  Most of the people I know
>>>> locally do not have Python installed, however, and I'll bet many of them
>>>> have never even heard of it.  So I like sticking to native SPSS code
>>>> when
>>>> possible.  ;-)
>>>> HTH.
>>>> Sonia Brandon-2 wrote:
>>>>> Your IV regarding the number of days is most definitely nominal, so you
>>>>> shouldn't use regression, especially on something for a dissertation.
>>>>> If
>>>>> you had asked for the actual number of days, it would be ratio, and
>>>>> then
>>>>> regression would be more appropriate.  On your DVs, what are the
>>>>> response
>>>>> values?  Is it a true scale or a Likert scale - or is it yes/no
>>>>> response?
>>>>> Just guessing, it sounds like you may have multiple interval DVs, and
>>>>> with
>>>>> Categorical IVs (type of game and frequency category), you may want to
>>>>> take a look at MANOVA as the appropriate technique.
>>>>> Sonia Brandon, Ph.D.
>>>>> Director, Institutional Research
>>>>> Colorado Mesa University
>>>>> 1100 North Avenue
>>>>> Grand Junction, CO  81501
>>>>> phone: (970) 248-1884
>>>>> fax:  (970) 248-1812
>>>>> email: [hidden email]
>>>>>>>> Garry Gelade &lt;[hidden email]&gt; 8/12/2011 11:46
>>>>>>>> AM
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>> How many subjects do you have? And what is/are your research questions?
>>>>> Eg
>>>>> Frequency of playing any type of game affects aggressive & prosocial
>>>>> behaviours? Or Frequency of playing violent games affects these
>>>>> behaviours?
>>>>> Or both?
>>>>> Sticking with the regression for the moment, if I have understood your
>>>>> data,
>>>>> in the first case, your IV could be the total frequency score for all
>>>>> games.
>>>>> In the second case you could total the frequency ratings for each type
>>>>> of
>>>>> game, giving you 3 IVs.
>>>>> Garry
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
>>>>> Of
>>>>> Muralli
>>>>> Sent: 12 August 2011 14:17
>>>>> To: [hidden email]
>>>>> Subject: Help with Dissertation SPSS
>>>>> My study is the effects of video games on prosocial behavior.
>>>>> 2 DV = prosocial behavior and aggression - measured with a 38 item
>>>>> questionnaire (15 Aggressive/23 Prosocial)
>>>>> IV = I used a video game questionnaire where participants are asked to
>>>>> rate
>>>>> the frequency of gameplay they have had in the past month (1 = no days,
>>>>> 2
>>>>> =
>>>>> 1-5 days, 3 = 6-10 days, 4 = 11-20 days, 5 = more than 20 days). This
>>>>> is
>>>>> done for 8 games (RPG, adventure, strategy, platform, action and fight,
>>>>> first person shooter, sports, racers). These games are divided into 3
>>>>> groups, violent, non-violent and neutral.
>>>>> I tried to do a multiple regression since someone told me that my IVs
>>>>> are
>>>>> not categorical but continuous. I compiled the scores for my DV and
>>>>> computed
>>>>> with target variable splitting up the aggressive questions and the
>>>>> prosocial
>>>>> questions (Q1 + Q3 + Q5, etc). Thus, the score comes up to 80, 103, 76
>>>>> etc.
>>>>> Then I used each game as an IV but since they only had to rate the
>>>>> frequency, the data for each IV was 6, 3, 5, etc.
>>>>> Clearly, this led to a non-significant result and then I understood
>>>>> why.
>>>>> I have to idea how to use my IV and i'm not sure what test to use, I
>>>>> hope
>>>>> the way I have totaled my DVs were right.
>>>>> The proposed method which was approved was using a One-way between
>>>>> subjects
>>>>> ANOVA with 1 DV (Prosocial) and 1 IV Video games (Violent, non-violent,
>>>>> neutral).
>>>>> I don't see how to do this because the prosocial survey measures two
>>>>> things
>>>>> as mentioned earlier and the video games survey is not categorical. At
>>>>> least
>>>>> that's what i understand from it
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