How to calculate mean

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How to calculate mean

I have states name (Nominal data) and I want to calculate mean value for my other ordinal / nominal/ continuous data on the bases of states.

How can I calculate mean value in spss?
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Re: How to calculate mean

David Marso
AGGREGATE? Means? DESC with SPLIT FILE  (ie a bunch of ways).
A mean makes *NO* sense with a nominal scale variable unless it has two categories and even then subject to interpretation as a proportion in some reference category (1) compared to 0.    Ordinal scales ?  Purists would wince but it is common practice with say likert scale items.
Be careful what you ask for.
hellosakshi wrote
I have states name (Nominal data) and I want to calculate mean value for my other ordinal / nominal/ continuous data on the bases of states.

How can I calculate mean value in spss?
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