How to read old .spo files?

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How to read old .spo files?

Guterbock, Thomas M (tmg1p)
Hello,  I want to look at some very old SPSS output files that are in .spo format.  I don't have the Legacy Viewer and IBM says that is no longer supported.  Sites on the Internet that say you can download it looked unreliable to me.
  I the legacy viewer still available somewhere?
  Thanks for any help,
  Tom Guterbock
 University of Virginia

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Re: How to read old .spo files?

Jon Peck
I have a copy on my OneDrive public files, if you trust me.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 12:20 PM Tom Guterbock <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello,  I want to look at some very old SPSS output files that are in .spo format.  I don't have the Legacy Viewer and IBM says that is no longer supported.  Sites on the Internet that say you can download it looked unreliable to me.
  I the legacy viewer still available somewhere?
  Thanks for any help,
  Tom Guterbock
 University of Virginia

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Jon K Peck
[hidden email]

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