How to remove a custom dialog?

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How to remove a custom dialog?

Art Kendall
I had a problem trying to install a custom dialog. I did not take screen shots. I want to go back and redo the install taking screen shots.  I want to see it the problem occurs on HD monitors as well as UHD monitors or whether the problem is with the dialog I was trying to install.

It installed but popped up a message that appeared to be from IBM. It said the dialog was installed. But the banner(?)/box(?) appeared to be wider than my right side UHD monitor. I had to go to Task Manger to stop SPSS 27.  When I restarted SPSS, I there was a message about an unexpected error. I skipped reporting until I could  (1) move the SPSS window to the left monitor before trying to install the custom dialog and (2) take the screen shots.

The custom dialog was there when I restarted SPSS even though there was a message about an unexpected error before I looked to see if it was installed.
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Re: How to remove a custom dialog?

Art Kendall
<slap head>  I search for "remove custom dialog" and "delete custom dialog" in the CSR and this list.

Turns out I needed to look for "uninstall custom dialog".
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Re: How to remove a custom dialog?

You would find that information search in the Help.  It ought to come up in the search toolbar icon, but it doesn't.
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Re: How to remove a custom dialog?

Art Kendall
Only if I search for "uninstall custom dialog" rather than what I did "remove custom dialog" "delete custom dialog"
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants