1. Any forum on modeler/clementine?
>>>The SPSS Community
forums linked from the SPSS Community site (www.ibm.com/developerworks/spssdevcentral)
include a Modeler forum. There are also some LinkedIn forums that
cover Modeler.
2. Do you have matrix showing the
comparison of capabilities/features of AMOS across versions?
>>>I am not aware of such
an item, but you might find this information in a What's New section in
the AMOS help.
3. Any forum on AMOS?
Jon K Peck/Chicago/IBM@IBMUS
[hidden email] Date:
06/29/2012 09:29 AM
Sent by:
Discussion" <[hidden email]>
Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM [hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621
1. Any forum on modeler/clementine?
>>>The SPSS Community forums linked from the SPSS Community site
include a Modeler forum. There are also some LinkedIn forums that
cover Modeler.
2. Do you have matrix showing the comparison of capabilities/features of
AMOS across versions?
>>>I am not aware of such an item, but you might find this information
in a What's New section in the AMOS help.
3. Any forum on AMOS?