INDSCAL assistance

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INDSCAL assistance

Jeffrey Simons
I am new to both INDSCAl as well as SPSS. I am having difficulty getting a
plot of the stimulus space and wanted some advice.  What I am getting
instead of a plot of the stimulus space is a plot of the stimulus space for
one of the groups I am trying to compare. I do get the subject space weights
and a graph of the weights but the stimulus space that is output is for one
of the groups rather than a composite space as I was expecting. As far as
what I am doing:
I select the ALSCAL routine, select the variables to be compared and select
a indicator variable that identifies the four groups within the data. I
assume that is appropriate as i am not comparing individual subjects but
wish to compare groups of subjects (I wasn't sure if the preference data
needed to be reduced to four rows of means, but didn't think so). I select
individual weighted Euclidean to calculate the distances, do not allow
negative subject weights, interval data, matrix conditionality. In the
options section i select both group plots and subject plots. I believe that
is it. I was expecting to receive a plot of the "average" or group space as
well as the subject weights, but instead I receive the subject weights and
plots for one of the four groups.

A second question, provided i can solve the above. How can one save/output
the stimulus coordinates inorder to do preference mapping?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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Re: INDSCAL assistance

Busing, Frank
Dear Jeffrey.
Please use PROXSCAL instead of ALSCAL (both SPSS subroutines).
Frank Busing
Leiden University.
Programmer of PROXSCAL.


From: SPSSX(r) Discussion on behalf of Jeffrey Simons
Sent: Sat 14/10/2006 15:58
Subject: INDSCAL assistance

I am new to both INDSCAl as well as SPSS. I am having difficulty getting
plot of the stimulus space and wanted some advice.  What I am getting
instead of a plot of the stimulus space is a plot of the stimulus space
one of the groups I am trying to compare. I do get the subject space
and a graph of the weights but the stimulus space that is output is for
of the groups rather than a composite space as I was expecting. As far
what I am doing:
I select the ALSCAL routine, select the variables to be compared and
a indicator variable that identifies the four groups within the data. I
assume that is appropriate as i am not comparing individual subjects but
wish to compare groups of subjects (I wasn't sure if the preference data
needed to be reduced to four rows of means, but didn't think so). I
individual weighted Euclidean to calculate the distances, do not allow
negative subject weights, interval data, matrix conditionality. In the
options section i select both group plots and subject plots. I believe
is it. I was expecting to receive a plot of the "average" or group space
well as the subject weights, but instead I receive the subject weights
plots for one of the four groups.

A second question, provided i can solve the above. How can one
the stimulus coordinates inorder to do preference mapping?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

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